“Good morning, beautiful,” I say as I place a finger under her chin and gently bring her lips up to meet mine. “Did you sleep well?”
“Best night of sleep I’ve ever had,” she smiles.
“Every night I have you beside me is my best night.”
Instead of smiling, Harlow laughs. “Oh my God, Fort Knox really is a simp.”
I chuckle in return. “Yeah, maybe I am.” I brush my thumb across the freckles on her cheek. “But I don’t fucking care. I’ve got you, Harlow. Nothing else matters.”
Her smile back is genuine, lighting her face up in pure warmth. She is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. I just want to live in this moment forever.
“I still can’t believe last night actually happened,” she says. “That I didn’t dream it up.”
I lean in closer, brushing my forehead against hers. “It happened, Lo. And I meant every word I said. I’m so fucking in love with you.”
Harlow melts into me, sighing in contentment. “I love you, too. So much more than I ever thought I could love anybody.”
“And all that because you decided to come talk to me after the home opener.”
“Best decision I ever made.” She smiles. “What are our plans for the day?”
“Well, I’ve got a game tonight, and I assume you’ll be there to cheer for your boyfriend.”
“My boyfriend, who will be sitting on the bench tonight?” she smirks.
“Meaning I’ll have all the time in the world to sit and just look at you.” I wrap my arms around her and pull her closer, leaning my lips to her ear. “My other plans for today involve you and this bed.”
“Knox!” she shouts, lifting her head and looking into my eyes. “How do you go from sweet to horny just like that?”
“Because you are laying on top of me completely naked, and nothing is going to stop me from worshiping that body the way it deserves.”
I take hold of her hips and sit her on top of me as Harlow lightly moans. “I was trying to be sweet and romantic this morning.”
I pepper light kisses up her neck and stroke my hands up and down her sides. “Come sit on my face, baby, and tell me you don’t want to be horny, too.”
“I won’t say no to that,” she replies, breathing already heavy. “I daydream about the things you can do with your tongue.”
“Good,” I say roughly. “Now get that pussy up here and let me eat, Lo. I’m fucking starving.”
An orgasm for Harlow turns into her riding me until I make a complete mess of her. And a shower to clean her up turns into me pinning her against the wall, creating even more of a mess. But goddamn, I’m even more ravenous for her now than I was before.
Her sounds, her taste, her feel have only become even more addicting now that we’re finally together.
Once we eventually clean ourselves off, she throws on one of my old T-shirts and joins me on the sofa, climbing onto my lap and snuggling into my chest.
If I could live the rest of my life like this, with Harlow wrapped up in my arms, everything else would be inconsequential.
All I need is this.
All I need isher.
We were both content to relax in the silence until our phones start vibrating. “I’m just ignoring that,” I say, moving my phone to the coffee table.
“Works for me,” she replies, nuzzling her face into my neck.
We settle back into silence, trying to enjoy each other before I head to the field in a few hours.
And then our phones start vibrating again.