I did something
“Okay, sooo I didsomething.” I round the corner with an excited skip to my step, sheepishly clapping my hands behind my back while wearing a beaming smile that drops as soon as I spot my glaring Exton the kitchen. Before I even ask, I know the answer, yet I still do. “What’s wrong?” I walk up to him right away, my hands reaching to gently pry his scowling face away from his phone. The severe glare he was sending it way was about to blow it up on the spot.
Exton’s eyes find mine and the tension leaves his body right away. I know it was his dad’s lawyer calling again. Damn it, I told him, I’d deal with it, couldn’t he just wait? I’m about to say something when he beats me to it.
“What did you do?” he switches the subject too fast and my brain takes a moment to catch up.
“What did I…oh, yeah, I did something.” I remember why I skipped in here in the first place. For a moment, I’m tempted to go back, to pry further, to dig deeper into his history with his father and why he needs to meet his lawyer but then my eyessnatch to the patched-up hole in the wall, and I decide to drop it for now.
Yeah, let’s wait until there’s nothing to punch. Or at least not in this house. Besides, I’m already about to push him regarding something else.
What a dangerous game I play. Who am I?
A woman in love. That’s who.
Yep, that sounds about right.
“But you must say yes before I tell you what it is.” I give him my best puppy eyes to his unamused one arched eyebrow.
“I already don’t like it.” Exton crosses his arms across his chest, and I stifle a whimper at the sight. God, he’s so beautiful with his broad shoulders, defined chest, those tattoos peeking through the short sleeve T-shirt he has on and his messy, still damp curls falling over his forehead.
We so don’t have the time for that right now, Electra.
Fixing my train of thoughts, I say, “But you’ll say yes, right? Because you love me.”
“That’s called manipulation, you know that, little star?” His mouth tips into a half-smile as he winds his arms around me and sits me on the counter behind us, caging me with his arms and legs.
So much for fixing those thoughts…
“Mm-hmm.” I nod without an ounce of shame because it will take a damn miracle to get him to do this. “You still have to say yes, though.”
Exton gives me a long look before pushing out an exaggerated exhale and relents. “Fine, yes. Now, tell me before I take a bite out of this sweet ass.” He leans in, nipping at my lip with his teeth and taking a pinch out of my ass as I yelp and slap his chest playfully.
“Promises, promises,” I taunt him, and he narrows his eyes at my mischievous ones. Because the man has yet to deliver.
Granted, Stella has been working us to the bone at the rink these past few weeks and the only thing we are capable of when we get home in the evening is fall asleep in the bed instead of the hallway floor.
It’s nothing short of amazing but I’m almost back to my full one hundred percent. My feet took to ice like I never left and with Exton there helping, supporting and pushing me every day, I can skate like I’ve done before.
Although, I don’t want to go to what I had before. I don’t want to be in the same cage I was. I don’t want to be Elle.
But the ideas I have are almost too scary to admit to my own self, never mind someone else.
“Lucky for you, I will deliver today.” The look in Exton’s eyes gives me no doubt about it and my breath hitches when he advances, clearly ready to start right about now and God, do I want him to.
I feel my chest heave, feel those breaths pick up as a small whimper leaves my mouth before I stop him with my hand.
“You can’t. You have other plans for today.”
“Electra,” he growls. “What other plans?”
Here goes nothing…
“You are taking me to Boston.”
“Boston?” Exton reels back, frowning. “Why would we go to Boston?”