“Never promised to be someone I’m not, little star.”
“I know.” I smile softly. “That’s why I love you.”
“Stop distracting me.” Exton bites my ear. “Listen, Electra.”
I let out an exhausted breath but do as I’m told. I close my eyes and listen but all I hear is the hum of the machines cooling the ice, of the fans working inside, of our breaths mingling in the air. Of Exton’s heart. And mine.
I stop.
Mine. It’s beating louder than any other noise in here in a chanting rhythm that ricochets off the ice and I know, I know, it’s all in my head, but I feel the ice take a relived breath at the sound.
A breath I was holding, whooshes out of me, and I take a step without thinking, my blade making the first contact with cold surface as if I’m drawn to it and there…I feel it. Home…
Exton lets go of my waist, as I soar, sliding through the ice with my eyes still closed.
I know every inch of this rink. I know every turn and corner. It’s home. It’s freedom. It’s living.
My feet move against the ice as if I never left. As if I didn’t spend over two months bound to a wheelchair, refusing to even think about skating again. Mourning the death of Elle when I should’ve been rejoicing the rebirth of Electra.
I open my eyes, and they immediately fall onto the man who believed in me when I didn’t. Who fought when I refused to and who is the one that gave me my freedom back.
My lips curl into a watery smile, matching the one he’s wearing, and I simply extend my hand out to him, needing him here with me and Exton doesn’t hesitate. He never does. He slides over the ice, gliding through it like the iceberg he is and barrels toward me until I’m lifted off the ice. His hands holding me by my butt as he kisses me.
“Always knew you could do it.” I smile into his kiss as he twirls me around the ice, skating with me in his arms and not one cell in my body is afraid he might drop me. Because Exton would rather break himself before breaking me. My rock. My protector. My caveman.
It feels so natural to be here with him. So meant to be.
Exton shifts me so I can wrap my legs around his waist and keeps going, skating around and around, holding me tight until we hear a piercing whistle spear through the air. I don’t even have to look to know who busted us.
“Prickly pear, please set my Electra down.”
“Hi, Stella,” I call out, waving my hand at her when Exton simply ignores her and keeps skating with me in his arms.
I’m laughing at his grumbling about Stella calling me hers and how he’ll show her who’s the boss here. I’m laughing when she keeps ordering him to stop and he just grabs my ass harder,sticks his tongue out at her and refuses. I’m laughing when he starts doing his own drills with me in his arms and Stella gives up trying to tame him into submission.
I’m laughing. I’m living and I never want to stop.
Eventually, he finally sets me down and we skate over to Stella who watches us with one arched eyebrow and somewhat amused expression. “Had enough fun?”
I’m still giggling as I nod, and she rolls her eyes but there is a small smile there. “Welcome back, Electra. Now, how about we give your legs a good exercise?” I nod again and Exton kisses my cheek before he heads for the bench, but Stella stops him.
“And where do you think you’re going?”
“Let’s take a wild guess?” He gives her an annoyed look. One she matches.
“Prickly pear, wrap those arms around your girl and give me a nice basic run.”
“Me? What do I have to do with this?”
“You chose her…you chose the ice. Now get those feet moving!” Stella shouts even though we are standing two feet away from her. Exton frowns but I smile so wide, my cheeks hurt. I guess I’m starting from the very beginning again.
“I don’t see you two moving yet. Two-foot glide forward and backward, dip, forward and backward swizzles eight in a row of each. Snowplow on two and one foot and I better see you hopping!”
I break out in booming laugher.
Yep, I am once again, seven years old.