“So, that’s where you decide to land?” I say. “With a hybrid accent?”
“Just tryin’ ta please us both.” He shrugs.
“Mason taught me to drive,” I say. “Happy now?”
Killian takes a moment to consider, then says, “And who taught him?”
“His grandma,” I say, remembering how excited Mason was when he learned to parallel park and tried to teach me. But despite giving it my best shot, I never mastered that skill.
“Well, that explains it.” Killian nods.
I shoot him a sharp look. “That sounds like ageism,” I snap, but Killian dismisses it with a wave of his hand.
“Not at all. Just pointing out your driving style.”
“Mydriving style?”
“You go about it like a real proper lady. Yer spine straight, eyes diligently surveying the path ahead, obeying all the rules—even when there aren’t any.”
“That’s called being asafe driver,” I grumble. “Didn’t realize it was considered a style.”
“Look at your hands.” Killian cocks a thumb toward the steering wheel. “From the moment you sat down, they haven’t once shifted.”
My first instinct is to snap back, but instead, I set my focus on the narrow aisle before me. With the low sloped ceiling and notable lack of windows, it’s more like a tunnel. Where it leads is anyone’s guess. Or make thatmyguess, since Killian clearly knows.
“Are you always such a stickler for the rules, Shiv?” Killian asks, and though I refuse to look at him, from his tone I can tell he’s wearing one of his flirtatious grins. Charisma and charm are pretty much his default. “Don’t you ever want to break one of those rules and see what might happen?”
Is he for real?I fight the urge to roll my eyes, since it’ll only succeed in egging him on. Instead, I clear my throat and say, “I’ve broken plenty of rules. How do you think I ended up here?”
“Here withme?” He leans closer, practically lifting off his seat.
“Don’t flatter yourself. You know exactly what I meant. In fact—”
Before I can go on to outline all the rules I used to break before I was whisked away to this place, Killian says, “Here’s good. Park anywhere. It’s not like we’ll be returning this way.”
I look at him, confused.
“We took the scenic route.”
I stop the cart, leaving it in the middle of the pathway.
“Just trying to look out for you, Shiv, by making sure no one saw us together. Also, if I may be so bold, it gave me a chance to get to know you better.”
“Like how I learned to drive?”
Killian laughs and climbs out of the cart.
I follow his lead, minus the laugh.
“That, along with a few other things…” He smiles mysteriously.
“Go ahead,” I say. “Tell me everything your razor-sharp observation skills managed to glean about me.”
“Not sure you could handle it.” He grins in a way that lights up his whole face.
“Try me,” I say, immune to the glowy magnetism he so naturally emits.
“Okay.” He nods. “Here’s one: whenever you start to feel nervous or unsafe—or, in this case, both—your voice rises higher than usual, and you take on a bit of an attitude.”