Page 19 of Ruling Destiny

Which also means that if something were to happen to me—no one will suspect Killian.

Hell, no one will even know where to look for me!

My thoughts are in a whirl. A deep sense of panic starts to take root. But I can’t let on. Can’t let Killian know just how anxious I’m feeling.

I drag in a slow, ragged breath as I cast a furtive glance all around, searching for an exit, a way out—

“Oh look,” Killian says, seemingly unaware of just how rattled I am. “Our ride’s right over there.”

I glance in the direction he’s pointing, only to see one of the ubiquitous Gray Wolf carts parked diagonally against a wall.

It’s the same sort of golf cart Arthur used when he took me to the Vault.

The same sort of ride that whisked me to the control room both times I Tripped.

Which is to say that they’re generally reserved for visits to the outer reaches of this place.

Which only begs the question:Just how far is Killian planning to take me?

“Ever drive one of these?” he asks, leading me toward it.

“Um…no, I—” My heart is pumping too fast, my breath rapidly sawing in and out of my lungs.

“First time for everything!” Killian hops onto the passenger seat and motions for me to take the wheel. “Hey there,” he calls. “Budge up, already. I’ve got a craving for a cuppa that won’t quit.”

I swallow hard, give another anxious look around. There’s nowhere to flee, and even if there was, it’s not like I can outrun him.

To Killian, I say, “But I—I don’t know where we’re going.”

Killian throws his head back and lets out a quick burst of a laugh. When he finally rights himself, my gaze sweeps across his tumble of golden blond curls, to those deep-blue eyes the same warm hue as one of David Hockney’s swimming pools. His nose is strong, his cheekbones defined, his jawline a brutal sharp line—like one of Michelangelo’s statues come to life. And though I hate to admit it, the mere sight of him is enough to steal the breath right out of me.

He chuckles softly. “I hav’ ta say, yer lookin’ a wee bit pale around the eyes there, Shiv. So, I thought maybe you might like to drive. Ya know, so you can feel more in control.”

I inhale an anxious breath.So he did notice the shift in my mood. And, if worse comes to worse, I can always crash his side of the cart and make a run for it…

Next thing I know, I’m settled onto the driver’s seat, asking Killian which way to go.


I steer the golf cart down a long series of hallways, following the directions Killian gives me.

“Where’d you learn to drive, Shiv?”

I shake my head, keeping a steady foot on the pedal and my hands secured on the wheel.

“Not takin’ a crack at ya,” he says. “Just a wee bit curious, tis all.”

“Can you not—” I frown, wishing it wasn’t so easy for him to get under my skin.

Killian looks at me. “Yes? You were sayin’ somethin’?”

I huff out a breath and start again. “Can you just stop with the fake accent and speak in your normal voice for once?”

Killian rakes a hand through his curls and shifts so that he’s facing me. “And what makes you think that’s not my normal voice? Why do you assume this is the real one?”

Ugh.Why did I ever agree to this? And more importantly, why am I still agreeing?

“Sorry to annoy ya,” he says. “Just trying to get to know you better tis all. Seein’ as how yer pretty much my only friend ’ere.”