“You know, my dad used to tell me that life is made up of moments. You have no idea when a moment is coming, but when it does, you have to just take it. You know?” He had walked to a trophy case not far away. A picture of a man hung right in the middle, smiling out at them. “Go for it and see what happens. He always used to tell me that it’s not the result of that moment but the fact that you actually took action that matters.”
She watched him as he stood in front of the glass, silent and still.
His father.
Hailey had heard a lot---too much---about Coach Weston since shearrived in town, but this was the first time she realized what he had looked like. She couldn’t decide what she hated more, hearing about Gunner Weston or his father, who had been the perfect coach for this town.
I’m done with this.
“Well.” She headed for the door, but he beat her there, his shoes scuffing against the floor, and again held it open for her. “I have some moments that I need to take care of at home.” The outside heat smacked her in the face. “I just…I just don’t think now is a good time for me to take on the lead.”
Or ever.
He started rubbing his hands together as they walked toward the parking lot.
“I understand that.” He leaned back and peered into the nighttime sky. The stars from above lit up the car hoods as they walked in silence.
Who is this guy?
This was not the Gunner Weston she had heard so much about, the superstar quarterback who could have whatever and whoever he wanted. This was someone who was lost, someone who was hurting. His green eyes had deep pools of sorrow in them, and while he might have been able to hide it from most people, Hailey had seen that look before.
“Gunner, Hailey!” The voice startled them. “Wait!”
Ms. Summers sprinted toward the parking lot.
Oh no.
Hailey looked over at Gunner, and she saw the same surprised expression that must have been on her own face.
“You two!” Ms. Summers was out of breath when she stopped next to Hailey’s car. “You two were wonderful back there!” She pointed to the school and smiled. “You two have so much chemistry!”
“I told her she should be the lead, Ms. Summers, but she was having none of it.” Gunner hadn’t missed a beat. He flashed a smirk her way.
He does not quit.
“Gunner,” Ms. Summers asked excitedly, “how would you like to be in the musical this year?”
Excuse me!?
Hailey’s mouth fell slightly ajar. Her eyes widened as Gunner gave a vain laugh and rubbed his chin.
“Ms. Summers,” he said, the sarcasm returning to his voice, “with all due respect, I don’t think I’m the right fit for the musical.”
There is the arrogance.
Her cheeks started to heat up immediately.
“Gunner, you are the perfect fit!” Ms. Summers was prancing around the parking lot as she pleaded with him. “You are so confident on stage, and the way you danced! Plus, you were in the chorus up until ninth grade, so I know you can sing.”
“You were in the chorus?” Hailey blurted.
“For a few years.” He threw his backpack into his car.
“Gunner!” Ms. Summers stepped closer to him. “Think about it, please. Right now, I only have Brad. While he is currently cast to play the male lead, I’m not sure I can get him out on stage in front of even one person, let alone hundreds.”
Hailey leaned in so as not to miss this part of the conversation.