Not a chance.

“You have to work with and trust your partner, each following the other at times.”

Do not grab that hand.

Her fingers itched, but then she turned away and stomped back to the steps.

“Well, just because you know a few vocal ranges and how to dance does not make you a musical expert.”

She fought the urge, but she could not stop herself from peeking backat him. He merely shrugged and continued to dance alone, clearly enjoying the spotlight provided by the lights above.

“Well, I didn’t tell you about my singing lessons.”

He’s lying.

He smirked at her, dimples creasing his cheeks.

“You took singing lessons as well?”

He lowered his head playfully.

“Well, no. My only singing lessons came from the shower.”

She giggled before she could stop herself.

Stop that.

He was good, exceptionally good, at this game, and she was enjoying it. It had been a long time since she had talked with a boy one-on-one, and even though he was the quarterback of the football team, this was nice.

“But I was being serious when I said you have the most beautiful voice I’ve ever heard.”

Game over.

Just like that, her shoulders tensed. She pushed her books back up against her chest and pivoted away, leaving him standing with his arms stretched toward her.

“I’m sorry…” he said quietly, confused.

“Please, Gunner. I need to go, and you realize who you are talking to, right?” She was frantically waving her hands by the time she hit the bottom step.

“Yeah.” He jumped off right in front of her. “The most talented personI’ve seen on this stage, ever.”

Sure, sure.

“Listen.” She kept moving, and he let her step by. “Before I moved here, I was in a performing arts school in California. Of course I am going to have more practice than most of the people here.”

Please do not follow me.

She could hear his footsteps behind her.

“Well then, even more reason for you to be the lead!” She turned, standing almost eye-to-eye with him due to the gradually rising floor. She was ready to fire an immediate retort, but his smile ignited a spark in her chest that surprised her.

“It’s not that easy…”

“Really?” He stepped by, opening one of the wooden double doors and holding it for her.

“Yeah, really,” she said as she went past, keeping an eye on him as they made their way into the main lobby of the school.

What is going on?