Page 41 of From You to Me

My entire body froze up as I cast my eyes downward.

She was talking about me, wasn’t she?

But she didn’t stop there. “I mean, can you believe girls like that? Like not an ounce of shame or guilt! Like how do they even show their faces outside? To cheat and lie their way through life. If it was me, I would have died from the embarrassment alone. Like how…”

“Shut the fuck up, Katy!” Mikey thundered.

But the damage was done. It was like a heavy hand gripped my heart and crushed the life out of it. It hurt so damn bad, so bad that it felt like dying.

Loud silence filled the room. I swallowed as I looked up. Through the glassiness, I could see that everyone was staring at me.

Why was everyone blurry?

I didn’t even realize that I was crying until my hands wiped the wetness away from my cheek. But it wouldn’t stop falling, tiny drops kept coating the back of my hands.

“That was uncalled for and rude, Katy,” Lily said in a firm voice.

But I didn’t waste another second in that room. “Excuse me,” I mumbled as I shuffled out the door. I didn’t even look back as I grabbed my jacket and purse and dashed out of the apartment.

The cold calm night of NYC greeted me. It was close to midnight on a weekday, so the streets were empty as I sauntered to the subway.

I sighed as every single word she said ran through my mind. I didn’t deserve any of it. I wished that I was brave enough to stand up to her. I wished I had stood up for myself and not run away like a weak coward. But life had hit me too many times back and back again, and instead of fueling all that to become a strong person, I became this fragile version of myself I hardly recognized. I didn't know if I could ever be the old me again.

A sleek black sports car drove so close to me on the driveway that I had to sidestep toward the end of the pavement.

I frowned, what the fuck was his problem?

“Get in the car, Evelyn,” a familiar voice called out.

I snapped my head toward the car again, shocked. I closed in and peeked my head inside. “Jay, what are you doing here?”

“Stop asking me fucking questions and get in the car, Evelyn.”

I felt my blood boil in an instant. “What the fuck is wrong with all of you? I’m a human too. Stop treating me like shit,” I raged.

I could hear him cursing and calling out to me, but I didn’t cast a second glance as I walked away.

My hand clenched around my purse. I can’t believe these people. I was so tired and exhausted from everyone walking all over me.

“Evy.” Jay’s voice echoed through the empty street as he stepped in beside me.

“What are you doing?” I frowned.

His blues met mine, softening the tiniest bit. “Will you please get in the car so I can drive you home? It’s pretty late.”

I was taken aback for a second. “Why do you care?”

“I don’t want my assistant walking alone in the night, especially after she left my place.”

“I’m perfectly fine walking on my own. Thank you for your concern.”

“Evelyn, stop being irrational. It’s dangerous at this time of the night.”

My eyes flashed to him. “I’ve taken the subway plenty of times. I can’t get used to you driving me around because six weeks from now, I won’t even be in your life, remember?” I continued walking. I was not in the mood to argue or be anywhere in his presence. I just wanted to go home, cuddle with Strawberry, and sleep.

“Fucking hell,” he cursed from somewhere behind me.

I rolled my eyes as I headed down toward the station.