She snorted, cracking up as we made our way downstairs.
And I couldn’t help but join her.
“I should probably get going,” I said as we reached the foyer.
“What? No!” She linked her arm with mine. “Stay. I heard they were getting some food.”
I shook my head. “I don’t think your brother would want that.”
She rolled her eyes. “You’re going to be with us twenty-four seven. You might as well get used to it.”
I sighed, nodding. She was right. I had to get used to being with everyone and get out of my comfort zone if I was ever going to survive the next six weeks.
Laughter and loud voices closed in on us as we approached the TV room.
And my heart immediately dropped to my feet. I didn’t know that she was going to be here.
Her gorgeous pale green eyes widened in shock as the conversation in the room died.
“What in the hell are you doing here?” Katy accused.
When they said everyone, I didn’t know Katy and Lan would be here. My eyes couldn’t help but drag over her beautiful face, so impeccable and radiant that it glowed. Her pouty lips pursed at my presence, and she was dressed in just a pair of jeans and a cami that fit her like a second skin.
I took a deep breath, volleying my gaze around the room as I answered. “I’m Jay’s assistant for the tour.”
Frown lines marred her freckled forehead. “Who in their right sense hired YOU?” She pointed a finger at me. “And how did I not know about this? I thought I was the band manager.”
I blinked as I fidgeted with my fingers.
“Let it be, Katy.” Lily cut in.
“Lily, you can’t possibly be okay with this. With her. Not after everything that she pulled,” she hissed.
“Aimee hired her. She’ll be gone in six weeks,” Jay declared, casting me a glance. “But she is going to be here until then, Katy.”
Katy huffed out a breath as she folded her arms over her chest. “Whatever. I’m still not okay with this.”
Well, that went well. Mikey greeted me with a fist bump, and Matt gave me a small smile while Lan gave me a stiff nod and a sad smile. And Jay pretended I didn’t even exist.
I huddled close to Lily on the farthest side of the room, munching on some fries that tasted like cardboard. I felt so uncomfortable that I wanted to get out of here badly, but Lily wouldn’t let me go.
“Mikey, PR is having a nightmare with you. Why can’t you keep it in your pants? That woman is all over social media, sharing detailed vlogs about the time you spent together.”
I felt Lily stiffen beside me but continued her conversation with Matt like she didn’t hear a thing.
“K, come on. We do pay them a hefty sum to take care of the mess.”
“Well, you’ve been leaving behind a trail of messes for years now. Soon there will be no girls left on this planet for you, and your precious fans are going to call you out.”
Mikey laughed while he took a sip of his beer. “My fans love me.”
“Not for long, they won’t. Emmie, can you beat some sense into him and ask him to be more private like you.”
A painful lump hitched up my throat. I didn’t ever want to think of Jay with someone else. It was the kind of pain that squeezed the soul out of my body.
“Like he’ll ever listen to me,” Jay stated.
“I don’t understand how you guys could sleep with so many people. Even if I was single, I could never. Maybe because I’m a girl, I think.” She paused to take a sip from her fruity drink. “But then there are some girls who have fucked their way through the whole town. And even had the audacity to cheat on someone who loved them.”