So she wouldn’t dream of fucking with me again.
This was going to cause a huge dent in the company, and they would have no choice but to file for bankruptcy.
Though they won’t lose much of their wealth.
They would lose the thing that was most important to them.
Most important to her.
Status and power.
And she won’t have any of it when she came out the other side.
“Do you think it will affect us?” Mikey lifted a brow.
“Nah, our papers are all clean. They might pull us in for a few questions, but that’s not likely. John promised it wouldn’t come down to that.” John was the head of our legal team, and he was a tenacious motherfucker who was the best in the country.
“Fuck,” Matt cursed, tossing his laptop to the side.
“No luck?” Mikey scoffed.
Matt shook his head. “I can’t seem to find anything.”
“You know Katy will have your ass if you don’t decide on something. The event is only two weeks away.” Mikey gave him a pointed look.
“I know,” Matt groaned. “I asked her to do it, but she said quote ‘It’s your vision, your dream so you have to name it.’”
Mikey broke out in a chuckle. “She’s right.”
“Yeah, she is,” I added.
“Well, you fuckers won’t help me either.”
“It’s your label, asshole, you have to name it.” Mikey rolled his eyes.
“How have the shelter visits been going?” I asked.
The annoyance in his eyes was replaced by softness. “Good. Man, there were a lot of excited kids wanting to learn music. Found this one kid, though. He’s got raw talent. Plays the guitar like a pro, reminds me of Emmie as a kid.”
This was his real passion. Yes, we still loved creating music, but making a business out of it was never really Matty’s dream. His huge-ass heart wanted to help everyone.
“Whoa, that good, huh?” Mikey asked.
“Yeah,” Matt grumbled. “He’s rough, though, too arrogant, not focused, and needs a lot of work. But I have this feeling he’ll make it big one day.”
“Good luck with that.” Mikey set aside his bass and rose to his feet as he walked over to the bar. “Have you all heard from that fucker, Lan?”
“Nope, the asshole’s been MIA.” I leaned over the couch.
“Yeah, I haven’t spoken to him either. Katy hardly mentions him but then she’s knee-deep with everything that went down. It’s been stressing her out.” Lines wrinkled the corner of Matt’s eyes. He was concerned about her. To be honest, we all were. I’d never seen Katy this sad.
“Do you have any idea what’s wrong with him?” Mikey questioned, pouring himself two shots of frozen vodka.
“No clue. But I swear I’ll kick that motherfucker’s ass soon if he continues this act.” Matt’s jaw clenched tight and I could feel the anger simmering inside him.
“I just wish they moved here too. I’m not sure why they’re hanging on to LA like a sorry-ass losers,” Matt mumbled as he grabbed his laptop again. He was pulling on his hair, cursing as he searched for a name.
I was pretty sure it was going to be a never-ending task for him. He’d been at it for months and hadn’t even narrowed down a few prospects. Katy had been on his ass because the sooner they registered and got the name out, the sooner the label would be brought to life.