Page 134 of From You to Me

“So has E taken your sorry ass back?” Mikey chirped, downing his drink and slamming it down the island.

“Yeah.” I grinned as my mind flashed to my girl. I just saw her this morning, woke up to her hair all over my face and the smell of citrus and vanilla seeping straight to my cock.

Damn, she was beautiful.

And she was all mine.

“Fuck, there goes my chance with E,” Mikey stated, clearly a joke from the look on his face because if it wasn’t, he knew I would’ve rearranged it.

I sighed as I thought about her again.

God, I missed her already. It’d been a week since our date on the rooftop. And ever since then, we’d been inseparable, almost like old times.

She was the missing part of my soul, and I was hers.

I couldn’t believe I spent six years without her by my side.

“I’m leaving.” I grabbed my car keys.

“She’s going to be mad if you ruin her coffee date,” Mikey called out, but I flipped him as I rushed out. The girls and Gabe were having brunch, and hence I was stuck here with these assholes. They’d been at it for well over two hours now so it was the perfect time to pick my girl up.


A series of beeps sounded off Katy’s phone, interrupting our conversation about whether NYC-style pizza or Chicago deep dish was the best. It was mostly a debate between Katy and Gabe while Lily and I added neutral statements because if we picked a side, we knew that it would be the end of us.

“A minute.” Katy held up a finger, frowning as she fiddled through her phone which still didn’t stop going off.

A tinge of worry started to swirl through my stomach. “Is everything okay?” I watched Katy bite her unpainted lips; her brows furrowed with deep concentration as she read whatever was displayed on her phone.

I sighed. Katy looked worse with each passing day. Never in all my time with her had I seen her out in a restaurant in her sweats, sporting a messy ponytail.

She always looked perfect, so this was so unlike her. It worried me and Lily.

“Pacific White has filed for bankruptcy. There are several claims of tax fraud among a few other things,” Katy mumbled, stunned.

“What?” Lily shrieked. “Show me.” She grabbed the phone away from Katy.

“Wait.” Gabe waved a hand. “Isn’t that the label the bitch owns?”

“Whoa.” Lily’s violet eyes widened. “It says, ‘Pacific White, a label that’s been in the game for the past fifteen years having signed some of the big names like Four Foxes, have been accused of serious tax infringement among other claims. One serious claim is that they have abused their smaller artists with illegal contracts and failed to pay their royalties. The label seems guilty as it has just announced it is filing for bankruptcy and will no longer hold the rights or the reputation in the music industry. We also have news that the Four Foxes have terminated their contract with the label and cut all ties with them months ago, but the band is yet to make a statement on this matter.’”

“What does that mean?” Though I understood to some extent, all this legal jargon was lost on me.

“It means the label is done, for good. It means that she’s done.” A real smile spread across Katy’s lips, one that I haven’t seen in a while.

“Does that mean we get to celebrate?” Gabe clapped excitedly while Lily rolled her eyes.

“Yes,” Katy chirped, smacking her fists on the table.

I smiled as I watched those two.

I didn’t know how to feel about all this. The fact that White has gone down for good. Although it was something I’d dreamed of these past six years, I realized that wishing for someone’s demise ate me away.

I didn’t feel a thing because it didn’t matter.

They say when you planned for revenge, you needed to dig a grave for yourself. I believed the same could be said for holding on to the hatred and waiting for them to hit the ground.

What really needed to be understood was that bad people would always go down in the end. It wasn’t my job to sit and dwell on it.