“Hey,” says Quinn, looking atypically sheepish.
I swear to God, if he’s been giving Parker a hard time, I’m going to—
“I heard from Connor.”
“My friend in Juneau. The one we asked to—”
“—keep an eye on the douchebag!” I finish for him. “Right! I almost forgot. What did he say?”
Quinn winces as he pulls his phone out of his back pocket. “It’s not good for your girl.”
And this is how I know I love her—that I really, truly love her. My heart drops. I don’t feel happy or victorious to hear that Clark’s cheating on Ivy. I feel rage. I feel frustrated. I feel a jolt of intense sadness for her.
“Tell me, Quinn.”
“I’m forwarding the pics to you now.”
My phone dings a second later, and I swipe open Quinn’s text. Scrolling down, I feel my stomach drop, and my blood start to boil. There are at least a dozen pictures of Clark Clement Rupert III with six different women. In the first of each duo, he’s talking or drinking or dancing with her, and in the second, he’s got his tongue down her throat and his hands on her body.
“This guy’s a serial cheater,” says Quinn, his voice heavy. He clears his throat. “I don’t know whether to say I’m sorry for her or happy for you.”
“I’m not happy,” I tell him. “This guy has her—she’s his fiancée, for god’s sake—and he’s throwing it all away? For what? A piece of ass here and there? Fucking idiot. He has a goddess ,and he’s cheating on her with…with…”
“Everyone,” supplies Quinn.
I scroll back quickly, then look closer at each duo. “Yeah. Looks that way.”
“Sorry, man. He sucks.”
I look up at my oldest friend. “Do I tell her?”
Quinn exhales a deep breath and shrugs. “Don’t ask me, man. I don’t know.”
“Who sucks? And tell who what?”
Apparently, Reeve has been standing behind me, eavesdropping in her usual annoying way. I look at her over my shoulder.
“Have you ever heard of privacy?”
“I’m the youngest of six siblings. What do you think?”
“Hey, Reeve,” says Quinn.
“Hey, jerkface,” says Reeve, looking up at my friend, who’s at least a foot taller than she is.
Reeve has balls. I’ll give her that.
“You’re so fuckin’ rude,” he says.
“Don’t swear at her,” I warn him.
“You and your sisters are—”
“Watch it, Morgan,” warns Tanner, who appears out of nowhere, putting a beefy arm around Reeve’s shoulders. My older brother glances at me, then back at Quinn. “You’re big, but you can’t take us both.”