Page 58 of Sawyer

Reeve crosses her arms and gives Quinn a shit-eating smile. “You were saying?”

Quinn smirks at Reeve. “…such charming young ladies.”

“Shut up, Quinn,” she says, giving him a noogie in the arm. As he rubs the spot that will likely bruise—Reeve gives a mean noogie—she turns to me. “Now, spill it. Who sucks? Besides you two, of course…”

“Ha ha,” I deadpan. “Not that it’s any of your business, but Clark Rupert sucks.”

“Duh.” She shrugs. “Everyone knows that.”

“Clark Rupert the congressman?” asks Tanner.

“You mean lieutenant governor,” I correct him. “And no, not him. His son.”

“Oh!” says Tanner. “The douchebag from TikTok?”

Reeve nods approvingly at Tanner. “That’s the one.”

“What did he do now?” asks Tanner.

I hand over my phone. “More of the same. He’s cheating again.”

“Oh, wow!” says Reeve, leaning in to look at the pictures as Tanner scrolls through them. “What an asshole.”

As Tanner scrolls, he works his jaw. The pictures are pissing him off. And he barely knows Ivy. Finally, he hands me back my phone.

“I know she did you dirty last year,” says Tanner. “But that’s bullshit, right there.”

I nod. “Yeah. It sucks.”

“Are you gonna tell her?” asks Reeve. “Youhaveto tell her.”

“Shut up, Reeve,” I say, shifting my gaze to Tanner. “Should I tell her?”

Tanner grimaces. “Shit. I don’t know.”

“Don’t know what?” asks McKenna, who appears at Tanner’s side.

Tanner puts his arm around his wife, grinning down at her adoringly. Before he can answer her, Reeve peeks around Tanner’s chest. “Sawyer hired someone in Juneau to follow Clark around, and it turns out he’s been cheating on Ivy. We saw the photos. Should he tell her?”

McKenna’s face falls. “Oof.”

“Yeah,” I say. “Oof.”

“What are you gonna do?” she asks me.

“I don’t know.”

“That’s pretty cool that you hired someone to follow him,” says Tanner. “Baller move.”

“He didn’t,” says Quinn. “I had a buddy of mine do it.”

“Look at you, doing something nice for once,” says Reeve, all sassy.

Quinn’s reputation as Parker’s biggest tormentor in elementary and middle school has never really been forgiven by my family.

“I’m not that bad a person,” he whines.

“Yeah, you are,” says Reeve. “Just ask Parker.”