Was she crazy for laying here under him, absolutelylovingthe way he looked at her? Those blue eyes of his were lit with a bright inner fire and she could almost hear it sizzling. But there was something else there, too, something she couldn’t quite put her finger on. Something he was holding back.

Stella walked her fingers up his arm, grinning as his muscles leapt under her soft touch. This man deserved some softness after everything he’d endured. And she was going to make it her life’s work to see that he learned to enjoy it. They’d figure out their tomorrows as they got there, but already they were turning into one hell of a team.

His eyes shifted and she went up in flames as he lowered himself over her, taking one of her breasts into his mouth once more, his gaze never leaving hers, even as his tongue performed its wicked magic. It was Stella who looked away, who arched up and closed her eyes, biting back a moan that threatened to rip out of her. She hoped they didn’t have neighbors in this hotel because if Arest kept using his tongue like that, she couldn’t stay quiet for long.

He played her like an instrument, his hands careful as he kept his claws in check, his mouth hungry and everywhere, tasting her until she was a pile of want and desperation who couldn’t remember her own name. All she could remember was his. “Arest!” she gasped as his lips found her sex, tongue tracing along her slick folds and teasing the stiff peak of her clit.

She splayed her legs, thrusting her hips towards him, grinding her ass down, doinganythingthat would give her more. But her man knew how to tease. He kissed the inside of her thigh and down, then back up, giving her one delirious lick before kissing up her mound and over her abdomen.

Languid frustration roared through her and she pushed him down and demanded more.

Arest rolled his eyes up to her and gave her a look that only a devil could muster. “What?” he asked, ever a man of few words.

“More,” she said, pressing lightly on his shoulder.

He grinned and kissed her thigh. “More what?”

She arched up, letting a leg fall to the side until she was completely bare to him. “I want your tongue on me,” she said, demanded, begged.

Arest’s eyes burned the hot blue of flame and he took his orders, laying his mouth on her and bringing her to the edge and then over as she bucked and convulsed against him, gasping out his name and making promises that she couldn’t remember. He brought her down gently, kissing her thighs again and gently rubbing his fingers over her sex, sending shivers through the overly sensitive flesh.

As he came up over her, she spotted the massive length tenting against his loose pants. And this time there were no monsters to stop them, nothing to keep her from feeling him inside her, filling her up and making her whole.

“Pants. Off,” she said, pointing lazily with limp fingers. She could get used to his way of speaking, cutting out the unimportant bits until only her true desires remained.

Arest didn’t waste any time, pushing down the flimsy material until he was bare before her. With a single kick, he tossed his trousers somewhere on the other side of the room. Stella didn’t care where they landed. She had other clothes for him. What he’d been wearing in the tunnels would probably need to be burned.

She licked her lips when she finally saw his cock all proud and hard and hers. Here she finally recognized something undeniably human in him. And yet sobig. If she had any inhibitions left, she might have been worried whether he would fit inside her. But right now, she was languid and wet and well pleasured. And she needed him. Now.

She reached out a hand and took hold, stroking the thick length of him and admiring the heat. Arest groaned and fell to one hand right beside her, their heads only a hand span apart. His eyes had taken on a droopy look, half lidded with desire and focused completely on her. Stella lifted her head and swiped her lips against him, unable to resist taking a taste. He was so handsome and powerful and all hers.

He reached down between them and she could feel the blunt head of his cock teasing her entrance. She covered his hand with hers and helped him guide himself to her entrance. He filled her up, inch by full inch, and she couldn’t keep from twitching her hips, desire making her a wild beast. She could live forever in this moment, take the pleasure and the man and leave the rest of the world to rot.

Arest moved, plunging in and out of her with wicked thrusts, taking her with him as pleasure ratcheted up between them. She shuddered around him as she came, calling out his name and clinging to him in a desperate embrace. With a final yell, he buried himself deep and spurted inside of her, finding his release with her.

Stella lay back and let her fingers play along her lover’s neck as he collapsed beside her, spent. She smiled at the ceiling, happy even after the hell they’d been through. She’d found something,someone, worthwhile. Someone who could see her and accept her, and maybe one day even love her.

The best was right behind them. If she reached an arm up, she could brush her hand against the mattress that lay right on the floor on a circular box. But the carpet was plush and soft and Arest held her in his arms. He was way better than some hotel mattress.

The pleasure and the fury of the past few days crashed over her and she finally let herself drift off to sleep, satisfied thatsomething had finally gone right and that they were almost home free.

A few hours later, she woke alone.

Chapter Thirteen

For a moment, Stella panicked. And then she heard the water running in the bathroom and saw the light coming through the doorway. She took a deep breath and tried to steady herself. Her body throbbed pleasantly from the work she and Arest had put it through, and she wanted him back with her for another round. A glance out the window showed a dark sky. They had hours yet until morning.

But when the water shut off and Arest stepped out of the bathroom, he was fully clothed. He’d found the dark pants and top she’d managed to purchase for him and they hung a little loose on his frame. She hadn’t been able to find any shoes for him and the purple of his feet almost glowed in the faint moonlight.

“You’re dressed,” she said, obviously. She sat up from where she’d been laying and pulled up a blanket that Arest must have laid over her.

He startled as she spoke and the light in the bathroom cut off, leaving them bathed in darkness. Silence settled over them and stretched, crawling into and rolling around with every hint of self-doubt that Stella knew she had.

“Not safe to stay,” he said quietly, no longer struggling with his words. Stella’s heart cracked at his defeated tone. He must have planned to flee before she woke up.

“We’re not staying.” She tried to keep her tone calm but anger threatened to take her over. She’d survived hell with this man, let him inside her body and her heart, and now he wanted to leave without a word? She stood and let the blanket drop, somewhat satisfied when he drew in a harsh breath at the sight of her naked body. She scooped up the robe she’d been wearing before they made love and slipped it on, cinching the belt tight.

“They’ll chase.” He stayed by the bathroom door, but his body leaned closer to where she stood and she got the idea that he was holding himself back by a thread.