He looked out the window for several moments before nodding once. This time Stella thought he was silent not because words failed him, but because he didn’t want to voice his doubts with her plan.
He could have all the doubts he wanted, but they were getting away. And as soon as she had him in her room, she wasn’t going to let him get much sleep.
Chapter Twelve
The tension wouldn’t let him go.
Stella found a place to abandon their car and they continued on foot to a cylindrical building that she claimed was a hotel. Arest wanted to pull her back, to keep her from going inside, as his instincts screamed that they were still in danger. His trainers could come down on him at any minute, and he had little hope of fighting them off.
But he had to make sure that Stella stayed safe. If a clean up crew had been called in to deal with the tunnels, that meant that the damned android had reported that she was there. And even if she hadn’t given it her name or identification, the system would have captured her image. They’d find her and hurt her to protect the secret of what he and those like him were.
Because he wasn’t alone.
More memories surfaced, of fighting other men and women with similar claws and skin. They hadn’t all been modified the same way, but they all had been taken far from home and changed into something… wrong. Something beastly.
His tattoos burned and he rubbed the one that said his name, tracing the letters absently. Could he bargain for Stella’sfreedom? Give himself in trade for her life? His entire body rebelled at placing himself back under the heavy yoke of his trainers, but if it meant her safety, he’d do in a heartbeat. Just like he’d raised the bars on the cage.
No. It wouldn’t work. As soon as they had him under control, she’d be at risk. The people who owned them didn’t keep their word. They didn’t free those who’d earned their freedom, and they didn’t care about the little people who got in the way.
His entire existence put Stella at risk. If they had him, they’d take her out to keep the secret safe. But if he was in the wind, they’d need to make a choice. They couldn’t know what he’d told her. And he was the more valuable target. If he led them on a chase, as long as she stayed quiet about what she’d seen, they’d forget about her.
He hoped. Because he never would.
The smartest move would be to walk away right now, disappear into the storm, and leave Stella be. She had her people, and they might be powerful enough to keep her safe for the moment, until the heat died down. If he left a strong enough trail, he could lure them away from this city until she was long gone.
But for the moment the teams were going to the tunnels, and it would take them a little time to find the trail. Even the car wouldn’t lead them directly to Stella. Arest couldn’t be smart. Not after he’d almost lost his woman. Not now that he knew he couldn’t stay and keep her safe.
When a piece of cloth waved from one of the hotel windows, signaling where Stella had rented her room, Arest pushed out of the shadows and made his way to the building. He could take one night. Claim her, mark her, feast on her, and use the pleasure to sustain him until he breathed his last.
Nothing was more important than making sure she stayed safe.
Besides, if he left now, she’d come looking. The safer move was to satisfy her, to spend one night with her, loving her, and then leave. She’d understand eventually, and she’d move on. After all, they’d only had a few days together. She couldn’t possibly return the intensity of what he felt. She’d survive, even if he didn’t.
She had to.
He made it to the building and found his way in, careful to stay out of sight of any of the employees or other guests. The building was fairly tall for this city, about ten floors. Arest made it up eight and let himself in. Four doors lined either side of the hall and he counted carefully, recalling exactly where the flag had waved. And when he spotted the red piece of cloth wedged under the door, he saw that she’d thought of that as well.
He knocked once and the door opened. Stella stood there in a robe, her hair damp and eyes sparkling.
The most beautiful woman he’d ever seen.
Arest dropped to his knees in front of her as the door slammed shut behind him. He placed his hands on her hips and pulled her close, satisfaction rolling through him as she gasped and grabbed onto his shoulders to steady herself, her fingers digging in to his skin.
He was still bruised, the aches and pains from the fight reminders of who—ofwhat—he really was. But for this one night, he let himself forget. He placed kisses along the seam of the soft fabric, and made a sound in the back of his throat as he breathed in the scent of her mixed with some sort of soap that she’d found.
The robe opened under him, revealing Stella’s soft, pale skin, and it was so warm that Arest just laid his cheek against her abdomen and breathed her in.Paradise.He’d never known it before, and all the simple pleasures had long ago disappeared. But with her, right here, right now, nothing could be moreperfect. He’d trade his life for the rest of this night, and as long as she stood right beside him, he wouldn’t have a single regret.
Not yet.
He kissed along her waist, tracing where her pants had left a small indent in her skin. And then he moved up, though his tongue craved to plumb the depths of her hot, wet cunt. But not yet. Not now. This had to last a lifetime and there was so much he wanted to taste.
His lips made it to her breasts and he kissed along the side of one and over, down in the valley between and on to the next, taking her nipple into his mouth and sucking, brushing his teeth gently against her sensitive skin and feeling triumph surge through his veins as she let out a throaty moan and sank down next to him.
Arest pushed her back, laying her down on the plush, carpeted floor of their room. He had no idea what the rest of it look like and he didn’t give a damn. Stella was in front of him, laid out like a feast, and she was the only thing on this—or any other—planet that mattered.
He spread his palm flat against her stomach and marveled at the difference. For a moment, he could almost remember what he’d once been, could almost envision his own tan hands before they’d grown claws and turned purple. But Stella leaned into him and placed her hand on top of his, uncaring that he could do her harm. She traced a finger over the two claws on his hand and a shiver went up his spine. He realized that it wasn’t a lack of care that left her laying there, completely unprotected.
It was trust.