Page 44 of Stryker

Raymond tried to break Stryker’s holdto no avail, and Stryker continued to squeeze tighter andtighter.

“Where is he?” Strykerdemanded.

“Let him go,” Brick saidcalmly. “If you kill him, we’ll never find out where Johnis.”

Stryker hated that Brick was right. Hereleased Raymond and shoved him to the ground. The asshole wasfortunate there were bars between the two of them.

“Where is John?” Brickasked.

Raymond’s coughing turned intohysterical laughter. “Give me what I want, and I’ll tell you wherehe is.”

“Call Gunner and Conor,”Brick ordered. “We need Conor’s help.”



The muscles in John’s legs spasmedeven tighter. He must have pulled a muscle breaking through thedrywall. Now he found himself limping heavily down the stairs whileholding on to the railing for dear life. He was on the fourth floorand had to stop to sit down and rest.

The adrenaline he’d used to breakthrough the drywall and escape was wearing off fast, leaving himexhausted. He’d already had to use his inhaler a second time, andthe headache he’d been left with from whatever drug they’d used onhim was thudding out a rhythm of its own, making it hard tothink.

He had to get out of this building.There was no way he would give up, but John needed to rest beforecontinuing. Why would the Noah Group lock him up and leave? If hewas so damn important to them, wouldn’t they want to keep an eye onhim? He was getting the distinct feeling something else was goingon. Nothing made sense.

He needed to forge on. His onlymission was to make it out of this building and get help. He had tofind his way back to Stryker.

With what little strength he stillpossessed, John pulled himself up using the railing and continueddown the staircase one step at a time, telling himself that when hereached the bottom, he’d take another rest before carrying on. Hislungs and legs were burning, but he refused to give up. He’d nevergive up.



“You’re never getting outof that cell. You’ve already admitted to kidnapping. Don’t make itworse for yourself; tell us where John is,” Eliasdemanded.

Stryker couldn’t believe they were inthis situation. All his worry over the Noah Project people, and thebiggest threat came from a spoiled, self-centered asshole whobelieved he was entitled to something he’d never workedfor.

“Give me my inheritance,and you can have your John back,” Raymond hissed.

“And we’re supposed justto let you walk out of here like you didn’t commit a crime? As ifyou didn’t commit kidnapping? Have you lost your mind?” Eliasasked.

“I don’t have the money,asshole,” Stryker growled. “So stop asking.”

“You couldn’t have blownthrough over six million dollars by now,” Raymondstated.

“Unlike you, I found abetter way of spending the money. I donated every cent to theWounded Warrior Project to help former service members reintegrateinto society and get the help they need.”

“You gave away all thatmoney?” Raymond screamed, his eyes bulging from theirsockets.

Stryker looked at his friends. Theyunderstood. He could tell by the looks on their faces.

Before anything more could be said,Gunner and Conor walked in. They’d already been briefed, and Conorlooked spitting mad and didn’t bother with pleasantries.

“You were found coming inon Route 18, so that means you took John out of the county,” Conorstated.

“No,” Raymondsaid.

“You have him stashedoutside,” Conor continued.

“Yes, I threw him in ahole,” Raymond growled.