“In a housethen.”
“He’s injured.”
“Yes, I may have knockedhim around a bit for fun.”
Stryker was barely holding ittogether. “If you hurt him, I will kill you.”
“Don’t worry, he didn’t;it’s all a bluff,” Conor said. “John isn’t in this county; he’s inan abandoned or shut-off older building, not a house, not outside.By the timeline, I’d say it’s within a thirty-minute drive ofGator’s bar, give or take.”
Raymond’s face fell. “I didn’t saythat.”
Conor smiled. “You didn’t haveto.”
“Jefferson County is theonly one close enough to fit the timeline,” Elias said.
“Direct everyone to searchthe area of Jefferson closest to Marshall. John will be in arecently abandoned commercial building, and from the read, I’mgetting the building to be over fifteen stories tall,” Conorsaid.
“How the hell do you knowthat?” Raymond growled. “What the fuck are you?”
“Your mind isn’t that hardto read. In fact, it’s pretty basic,” Conor scoffed. “Wait, there’ssomething else at play here, isn’t there?”
“Fuck you.” Raymondsneered.
“You were hired,” Conorstated.
“Hired?” Brickasked.
“Someone approached you,didn’t they?” Conor asked.
“I have no idea whatyou’re talking about,” Raymond said as he turned to stare at thewall.
“Turning away isn’t goingto help you,” Conor said. “Money. It all comes down to money. Ifyou couldn’t get it from Stryker, someone else was willing to payfor John.”
Raymond spun around and charged thebars, trying to grab Conor. Gunner struck fast and easily caughtthe asshole’s arm before it got near Conor.
“That’s it,” Conor said.“Be mad, it’ll be easier for me. Your heightened emotions spew outinformation that you’re trying to hide. Someone hired you to takeJohn.”
Stryker was about to lose his shit andbeat the information out of Raymond when Conor said the words thatstopped him in his tracks.
“It was the NoahGroup.”
“I’ve found something,”Spencer announced suddenly. “There’s only one place that fits thatdescription.”
“Let’s go,” Stryker saidas he headed for the door.
They couldn’t waste anotherminute.