Page 40 of Stryker

“You didn’t have a grandopening at your last store?” Roman asked.

“Well, it just sortahappened. We got jobs, and we needed a place, and we just startedfilling it with furniture, and next thing you know, we had a store.There was nothing official about it,” Jason explained.

“Then let’s make this thefirst and the last because I’m never packing up another shopagain,” John said. “It’s exhausting.”

“Let’s get decorating,”Rick cheered as he walked out the swinging doors and into thestore.

“I’d better go follow him,or this place is going to be wrapped in a giant bow.” Spencelaughed as he followed his partner.

“Everything is going to beokay,” Jason said to John.

John nodded.” Yes, it is. We’ve workedtoo hard for any other thing to happen.”

“Damn right,” Jasonsaid.

Soon, all those at the store were busywith final preparations: putting up signs, setting up ribbons andballoons, polishing furniture, ensuring everything was in placebefore the first customers entered the front doors.

As the time neared opening, Strykerscanned the growing crowd outside the store. Everyone looked to bein high spirits, and though he hadn’t been part of Marshall forlong, Stryker recognized a few people from around town. It was goodto see the community come out to support the guys’ new store. Hejust wished there wasn’t a dark cloud hanging over theday.

He would do everything in his power tomake sure this day went off without a hitch for John.



It was now or never. They were tenminutes away from opening the doors to the public for the firsttime, and he was a bundle of nerves. He would have been no matterwhat, but the added pressure placed on them by the Noah Projectgroup was like the cherry on top of a very fucked-upsundae.

As he scanned the store, he couldn’thelp but feel a measure of pride at what they’d accomplished. Thestore was filled with stunning handmade furniture that he and Jasonworked hard to create. Their friends were milling around, helpingensure everything was in place, and the man John was falling inlove with was only a few feet away, giving him his full support andprotection.

He’d never had so many people in hislife before who were there because they wanted to be.

“Five, four, three, two,one,” Jason counted down as he and John stood by the frontdoors.

It had all come down to this. This onemoment in time, as he stared at his best friend, both wearing goofysmiles on their faces, they swung the front doors open and welcomedthe town of Marshall in.

What a day. John met so many people hecouldn’t possibly remember everybody’s names, but he was happy. Forthe first time in his life, he had everything he ever wanted. Astore with his best friend that seemed to be a hit in their newtown. A found family that had his back. And an honorable man whowanted him. When they finally waved the last customer good-bye andshut the doors behind them, John truly felt as though he washome.

“Well, I’d say that was arousing success,” Gunner said.

“Agreed,” Romancheered.

“Time for a celebration,”Gator said. “And I know the place that would beperfect.”

The group walked down the street toGator’s bar to celebrate their successful grand opening. As beerswere poured and food consumed, John couldn’t help but sit back andwatch his new world unfold in front of him.

“How are you doing?”Stryker asked.

They were sitting in a booth near theback of the bar. Their friends took up a good portion of theseating area on one side of the bar.

“I honestly feelwonderful. The day couldn’t have gone better, and I think Marshallhas truly welcomed us into the fold.”

“Yeah, by the sounds ofthings, you guys have got several sales already,” Brick said as hesat with his arm around Roman. “I’d say it was a successful firstday.”

“And cheers to many more,”Jason said as he lifted his beer bottle into the air, and everyonejoined in.

Nothing had happened to ruin theiropening, and John couldn’t be more thankful. The day had gone offwithout a hitch. Julia and the boys had decided to sleep over atthe ranch. They’d had so much fun they didn’t want it to end.Gunner, Conor, Shaw, Woodley, and Fletcher headed out to the ranchas the party drew to a close.

Everyone else would be returning tothe lake house for the evening.