Page 39 of Stryker

“Yeah, you’re probablyright about that. It might have put you on somebody’s radar. Whatabout Woodley?”

“He’ll hang around a whileuntil we get some answers. Now that he’s on the up and up with us,and we have our eye on him, he could be an asset ifneeded.”

“Did the file we found inthe safety deposit box help with any of the research?” John stillhadn’t opened the envelope addressed to him.

“Yes. We’re searching forthe remaining four members of the task force and checking on a fewlocations mentioned within the file to ensure they’re not up andrunning again.”

John grabbed his jacket and headed forthe bedroom door. “I promise not to wander off today. Besides, Idon’t want to go to be social. I want to make sure that everythingruns smoothly. We’ve got a lot on the line opening this business,and I want to ensure it goes well. Jason can do it, but I want topull my weight. Do you understand?”

He hoped Stryker understood why thiswas so important to him.

“Yes. I get it, but pleasebe vigilant. We don’t know where the danger might be coming from.Until we have some answers, it won’t be safe foranybody.”

“What about the deliverydriver? Has Elias gotten anything out of him yet?”

It’d been a couple of days since thebombing attempt, and the driver had been locked up eversince.

“Not yet, but Spencer’sgot a few leads from the guy’s fingerprints, so hopefully we shouldhave some answers soon as to who he is and who he worksfor.”

“Okay then, let’s getgoing. We have a grand opening to attend.”

“Do you have everythingyou need?”

John walked the few feet thatseparated them and took hold of Stryker’s hand.

“All I need and want isright here.”

His heart skipped a beat with the lookin Stryker’s eyes. This man could disarm and bring him to his kneeswith only that look.

“Good, because you got mefor the rest of your life.”

“I’ll take you,” Johnsaid.



Stryker didn’t like this. He didn’tlike it at all. So many things could go wrong. But he couldn’t stopJohn from living his life and being there for the opening. He’dworked too hard to miss it all. That didn’t mean Stryker wouldn’tbe on full alert the entire time.

Part of the team was already at thestore or stationed throughout town, getting a read on the situationand keeping an eye out for anybody suspicious. The sheriff had hisdeputies stationed throughout town, and the rest of the team wouldbe inside the store with John and Jason to keep an eye on things.It was a full-blown operation of utmost importance.

Despite all the preparations, it was abeautiful day as they drove into Marshall. It was cooler becausethey were still in the middle of January, but the sky was blue, andthe sun shone.

It was a couple of hours before theofficial opening, so Stryker was surprised to see people alreadyoutside the store waiting to enter. It was a good sign for thestore’s success, but the more people stopping by, the more riskthere would be that someone could slip through. Stryker couldn’tlet that happen.

His new relationship with John wasspecial because the man understood him and his situation. Life as aSEAL wasn’t the kind that supported outside relationships. Theconstant traveling, the danger, the stress, the PTSD, and neverknowing from one day to the next where you’d be or who you’d befighting was a lot to ask of anyone.

Stryker pulled his truck up around theback of the store, and they entered through the shop entrance. Dueto safety precautions, limited people were present. Jason and Gatorwere there, along with Brick, Roman, Spencer, and Rick. Everyoneelse was at Bryan’s ranch, where protection was in place forthem.

The rest of the team and Woodley werearound town, keeping an eye on things. With this many eyes on thesituation, it was unlikely that anyone would try to start shit, butcrazier things had happened, and Stryker knew that.

“Ready for the opening?”Rick cheered as they entered. The man had a ribbon in his hand andlooked ready to decorate.

“I think so,” Johnreplied. “Nervous but ready.”

Jason came over and hugged his friend.“It’s going to be okay. This will be the best grand opening we’veever had.”

“Considering this is ourfirst official grand opening, I guess I have to agree with you.”John laughed.