“Frank?” Strykerasked.
“He’s a young boy in thecell next to me. He comes with me. I swore to protecthim.”
“We’ll get him,” Strykersaid as he handed John an extra Glock. “Let’s unlock thesecells.”
As John watched for approachingattackers, Stryker quickly cut the locks on the remainingcells.
All the prisoners came out except forFrank. John went into his cell to find the boy huddled in thecorner. Stryker held a flashlight so he could see his wayin.
“It’s okay, Frank. Thisman is my friend. He’s come to get us out of here,” John said, andheld out his hand to help the boy to his feet.
The young boy grabbed on tight, andJohn led him out the door and into the hallway, where Stryker waspositioned with the other prisoners.
He heard more footsteps coming theirway, and instinctively, Stryker lifted his rifle as John shovedFrank behind him to protect him.
“Identify yourself,”Stryker ordered.
“Comm One,” the teamleader announced, and Stryker lowered his gun.
Brick, Fletcher, and Conor came aroundthe corner in full combat mode, rifles at the ready.
“These are my friends,”Stryker heard John explaining to the prisoners. One older gentlemanin a dress shirt looked like he wanted to question him further, butone scowl from Stryker had the guy swallowing whatever he intendedto say. This wasn’t time for a damned Q and A.
“The situation is stillfluid,” Brick said. “The Feds are rounding up anyone who makes itout of the building. We still have hostiles unaccountedfor.”
“We have six prisoners.All appear able to walk, but one is elderly with a cane,” Strykeradvised. “I can carry her.”
“Copy that. We need tomove to a safer location. I’ll lead, Conor and Fletcher will coverthe rear, and Stryker will carry the lady and stay with theprisoners in the middle of the unit.”
Stryker looked at John. “Hold on tightto Frank’s hand no matter what and use that gun if you have to. Nosecond thoughts.”
John nodded, and Stryker walked up tothe elderly lady. “Ma’am.” He lifted her into his arms. She gave atiny squeak but smiled wide.
“It’s been a long timesince a man has carried me anywhere,” she said. “And my name isLori.”
“Don’t worry, ma’am, I’llkeep you safe,” Stryker assured, making Lori’s smile even wider.John couldn’t have loved his partner more than at thatmoment.
“Let’s move out,” Brickordered as new gunfire broke out from somewhere behindthem.
“We have hostiles headedin your direction,” Gunner announced. “I’m relocating for a betterangle.”
“Why don’t they just giveup?” the middle-aged female asked. “And leave us alone.”
“It’ll be okay. Just keepmoving,” Stryker answered. “You’ll be somewhere safesoon.”
Stryker walked behind John and Frank,Fletcher and Conor at his rear. Lori was light for him, so he couldcarry her in one of his arms while holding his rifle in the other.Shaw, Spencer, Gator, and Jason were still clearing thefloors.
A few of the prisoners gasped as theycame across the bodies of guards on the floor, but they keptmoving. Brick slowed as they neared the area where Stryker had seenthe collection of cages. A room that stood as a sick testament towhat this division of the Noah Group had planned for theprisoners.
As they entered the room, Strykernoticed the band on Frank’s wrist begin to glow, and then Loricried out in pain. The other prisoners fell to the ground, and Johnbegan pulling at the band on the boy’s wrist.
“We have to get these offthem,” John yelled. “They’re meant to cause them pain.”
“Fuck,” Stryker growled ashe set Lori down and attempted to rip the band off herwrist.
Every time he touched it, the bandshocked him. He could see the others struggling to free theprisoners. Stryker didn’t give a shit how much it hurt him, he kepttrying, but nothing was working. He was about to reach for his boltcutters when the pain stopped as suddenly as it started.
“What the fuck is goingon?” Fletcher asked from where he knelt, trying to remove the bandfrom the other woman’s wrist. “It stopped.”