Page 62 of Stryker

Stryker looked at the map of thefacility. He’d memorized every entry and exit point. He’d leftnothing to chance. He’d be returning with John, or he wouldn’t bereturning. The team had gathered for their final briefing beforethey breached the building. Other government agencies—like theFeds—would be waiting for the all-clear before coming in. There wasless chance for collateral damage that way.

The plan was not to leavemuch for anyone to clean up. If the team blew it to bits asplanned, along with all the low-life scientists and researchers, itwould solve alotof problems.

“We’re set,” Brick said.“We’ll search for John and the other prisoners. All hostiles to betreated with extreme prejudice as necessary to subdue or render thearea secure.”

In other words, shoot themif you have to. Stryker was all for that. These bastards had fuckedwith the wrong people, and there was no coming back from that. Thiswas the Noah Group’s big realization moment.



John jolted awake. He looked around,wondering what had woken him. His cell was dark, so he lookedthrough the walls into the cells beside him. Mrs. Greer was stilllying in her bed. Frank was also awake, so John touched the wall,and Frank did the same.

Something wasn’t right.

“Frank, no matter whathappens, when we get out of these cells, you need to stay close tome, understand?” John urged.

The boy nodded. “We will leave thisplace together.”

Emergency lights flickeredon, but soon they went out as well.It hasto be the team. They’re here and coming for me. For us.He heard the first pops of gunfire.

“My friends are here,Frank. Don’t be afraid—they’re here to get us out.”

More gunfire exploded. This time muchcloser to their cells. He heard footsteps running down the hallsand watched as people passed the cell doors. Likely the guards weremaking a run for it like rats deserting a sinking ship. John knewit was best to stay where they were.

Stryker would find him.



“Taking fire,” Fletcherreported over the comms. “Looks like the bastards are shooting asthey’re running toward the back of the building.”

“We’ll cut them off fromthe second level,” Gator stated.

Stryker kept going in the direction ofJohn’s tracker. He unerringly followed the dot on the screen.Bullets ricocheted off the wall behind him, and he dove for coverthrough an open doorway. Quickly he turned and returned fire,identifying two masked men across a room full of cages. Heremembered what it felt like to be put in a cage. Fuckers weretreating the prisoners like wild animals. With a quick reposition,he moved seamlessly to a second room and fired on the two Noahguards.

He didn’t miss—he never did—and theywent down. Stryker continued down the hall, checking every room hecame to. More gunfire erupted behind him.

“Second group dug in onthe third floor,” Brick reported.

“On my way,” Shawanswered.

“Got two hostiles firingrifles in my sights,” Gunner stated from his perch above theaction. Seconds later. “Two down.”

Stryker crouched low and scanned theroom ahead. He could make out a row of metal doors. They had to bethe cells he’d been looking for. The tracker led him to the seconddoor. Using a modified bolt cutter, he easily snapped the padlockand threw open the door.

His relief was instantaneous as hisnight vision goggles located John standing against the wall. Hedidn’t even have time to say John’s name before the man crossed theroom and melted into his arms. “Stryker. I knew you’d come forme.”

“Nothing could stop me,”he stated, handing John a replacement inhaler.

“There are six prisonersin these cells. We have to free them,” John explained.

“Found the prisoners,”Stryker reported into the comms. “West side of the building, secondfloor.”

“On our way,” Brickresponded.

“We have to get to Frank,”John said.