“Probably be damned proud of me,” I interrupt, pulling my shoulders back. “She gave her life trying to expose them. As much as you want to avenge her, I want her death tomeansomething. It means nothing if I sit back and let her legacy—her story—die.”
“I would never let that happen, Brett,” Maverick says, his hand outstretched toward my shoulder. Just before he makes contact, he yanks it back to his chest. Clears his throat. “Her legacy isyou.This entire thing is happening to keep yousafe.”
I shake my head, a wave of bitterness cresting. “I don’t need to be keptsafe.I need to do something.”
Maverick pauses for a moment that seems to stretch into eternity. Then, he shakes his head, a sad little chuckle accompanying the movement. “So much like your mother.”
He looses a breath, angling his body toward the kitchen. “I have to go speak with Ghost, now. It was… it was a true pleasure speaking with you, Brett.” Sparing one last glance my way, he turns and floats toward the kitchen, effectively ending our conversation. Leaving me alone with this growing pit of anxiety. Alone with my thoughts. Alone with the knowledge that I have no idea what’s going to happen next.
And I think that’s the most terrifying thing of all.
I crouch low,running my fingers through Rupert’s fur as I wait for Maverick and Brett to finish their conversation. A few minutes later, Rupert raises his head from the kitchen tile, a low rumble building in his throat as he glares at something over my shoulder.
“How did it go?” I ask, not bothering to move from my position.
“As well as can be expected,” Maverick sighs, stepping around the island and stopping a few feet from Rupert and I. “She wants to help.”
“I know.”
Maverick leans against the counter, crossing slender arms across his chest. “What do you plan to do to stop her?”
“I have an idea.”
“Ah, yes. You and these brilliant ‘ideas’. Like, storming the Sanctum in a one-man suicide mission.”
“I'm not alone,” I huff. “I have you. And hopefully one more after tomorrow.”
“But not Brett?”
I shake my head, my chest seizing at the thought of any form of harm coming to her. “She would be a great asset. But…”
“But you cannot focus when she is around.”
I hang my head, too ashamed to speak. “I cannot. I would get us all killed.”
“I see,” he murmurs, shoving a hand through his graying hair. “She will never forgive you.”
“I know.”
“And you’ve come to terms with it?”
I straighten, pinning Maverick with a hard stare as my fist tightens at my side. “I’m making it so the world has a place for someone like her. Someone good. Someone…” I shake my head. “There is no other way. The gauntlet has fallen, Maverick. It’s too late for anything else. The Madam knows I am against her, and we have to strike now.”
Maverick’s chest heaves with a sigh, and he pushes off the counter, stepping forward until ourchest’s are inches apart. “You cannot cage a wild thing, Ghost. You cannot bottle the wind any more than you can protect her in this little bubble you’ve created. I have tried—and failed. I would hate to see you repeat my mistakes.”
I shake my head, unable to let his words hit home. “I… I have to try.”
Maverick tilts his head, seeming to look through me. “Very well. I will wait to hear from you.” With a small bow, he turns and floats from the room, not bothering to spare another glance. The door scrapes closed a minute later, signaling his departure. I let out a breath as I lean my forearms on the counter, the weight of our conversation hitting me like a semi.
I jerk my head up, my chest squeezing at the deep frown situated between Brett’s brows. She looks so, so worried, and I know it’s all because of me. Of what I’ve dragged her into.
“Hello, darling,” I murmur, holding my arms out for her to step into. She obliges, pressing her cheek deep into my chest as a satisfied sigh passes her lips. I pull my mask off and place it onto the counter before drawing my lips to the top of her head,drawing in deep lungfuls of Brett’s intoxicating scent.