Page 92 of The Phantom's Vice

I know she wants to talk about what Maverick said. Know she wants to talk about the plan to take down the Sanctum—and, more importantly, how she fits into it. But right now, I don’t want to think about any of it. I don’t want to think about anything other than the beautiful, marvelous creature in my arms. I don’t want to know anything other than her touch, her breath, the sound of her voice as she comes on my cock.

So, before she can get a word out, I throw her over my shoulder and whisk her into the bedroom. Tonight, I need my fill of Brett. Tonight, I need more of her than I’ve ever taken before.

Because I don’t know when I’ll have the chance again.

The next morning, Brett’s head is nestled against my chest, and I’m counting her breaths as I watch the clock tick closer to seven. I need to exact the final step of my plan today, but I don’t want to leave this room. As soon as I do, the spell will be broken, andthe shitty reality I’ve put us in will all come crashing down.

I look down at the gorgeous sleeping woman in my arms, counting her beautiful long lashes for the third time since she’s fallen asleep. 1,342. Same as last time. I’m not sure why I keep checking, but something tells me that if I don’t pay attention at this moment, it will pass me by. If I don’t stop and savor the beautiful creature that is Brett, who knows when I will get the chance again.

I’ve decided to let her believe I’m letting her storm the Sanctum with me. If I let on about myrealplan for Brett, there’s no way I’ll be able to keep her safe. The second she thinks she’s about to be caged, she’ll disappear, never to be caught again.

I cannot let that happen. Not in this life, at least.

As the last thought pasees, Brett stirs in my arms, half-lidded eyes gazing up with a sleepy smile. “Morning, handsome.”

My heart soars, and I lean down to press my lips to her forehead, earning me a contented sigh.“I love the color of your eyes first thing in the morning. Such a deep, endless blue,” I murmur, brushing a strand of hair off her forehead. I press my lips to the space between her brows, flattening out the deep crease there. “Why the frown,darling?”

She takes a deep breath, her eyes filled with concern. “I’m… I’m worried aboutyou.Aboutus.What Maverick said about the Santctum?—”

“There is nothing to worry for when it comes tous,”I whisper, pulling back to look into her eyes once more.

“Even with Maverick’s help… what if something happens to you? What if you…” she doesn’t continue, unable to speak the question thats on both of our minds.

What if I die?

Brett’s eyes widen as my chuckle rings out. I shake my head, cupping her delicate cheek in my palm. “Death has tried, and failed before to tear us apart,” I whisper. “No, darling—my soul is tied to yours, I’m sure of it. I feel it when I touch you… that unbreakable, unfathomable recognition. It took me thirty-six years to find you this time, but I have no doubt in others, I have had you for longer. I would find you anywhere, my darling. I have, and I will again.” I look deep into her eyes, my thumb tracing delicate swirls across her cheekbone. “All I ask is that you trust me.”

She swallows thickly, but still gives me a small nod. “I trust you.”

“Good,” I murmur, I sigh, gripping her eventighter. Brett shudders slightly against me, and I pull her into me, contemplating my next words. “Because we’re going to meet someone else today. Someone who will help us.”

Brett looks up at me, her eyes wide and worried. “Who?”

I smile, running a thumb delicately over her cheek to ease that worried look. “Someone we can trust. His name is Reinhold Hellfyre—although most people call him Kain.”



We makeour way out of the house to the sounds of Rupert and Venom protests. Ghost turns and gives Rupert a few scratches, pointing at the bowl of untouched food he laid there a few minutes ago.

“I promise I’ll be back, boy. Keep your brother out of trouble for a few hours, okay?”

Rupert huffs, turning slowly and curling up in his dog bed by the front door. Venom sees his opportunity and curls into the small crevice near Rupert's belly, his little paws making biscuits in his dense white fur. I giggle at the sight but allow Ghost to lead me out of the house with his hand on the small of my back.

I hop into the passenger seat of the blue truck, squeezing my knees together as Ghost starts up theengine and pulls out onto the small trail leading into the mouth of the forest. He takes small glances at me, the cool metal of his mask glinting each time with the afternoon light.

“Something’s on your mind.”

It’s not a question, but I still nod, worrying my bottom lip. “You said he’s the head of the Hellfyre Motorcycle club? Well, I’ve heard stories about those guys—I can’t help it if I’m a little anxious to meet one.”

“Reinhold will not harm you,” Ghost promises, reaching a gloved hand over and resting it on my knee. Goose bumps rise along my skin, eliciting a deep chuckle from Ghost. I chose to wear jean shorts and a loose-fitting T-shirt for our outing, and now I think I should have opted for something with a little more skin coverage. I can’t think straight when he’s running his hands on me, and by the looks of him, he has no intention to stop.

“How the hell are you so sure?” I demand.

“Because he owes me a favor.”

I look over at Ghost, sure that if I could see his face, he’d be smiling.