“No. Not unless the power goes out. I wouldn’t be surprised if it did, seeing how there’s a big storm coming this way. But at least this will save us a lot of fuel until then. That’s where Nick went—to get some supplies to last us, because we don’t know how long we’re going to be snowed in.”
“Snowed in.” I feel a rush of panic clog my throat. “For, like, how long?”
“No idea.” Will slumps heavily in the chair. “We’re going to have to dig our way out after the storm, so that’s going to take some time. I’d say a week, maybe two tops after the snow stops.”
I just stare at him, eyes wide as I scream inside my head.Noooooo!Fucking hell no. I can’t be stuck with these guys for two weeks. I’ll end up going into heat for sure.
“Any chance Nick could give me a ride back to town before the snow hits?” I squeak out, feeling a panic attack coming on.
Will snorts. “Fuck no.”
My breathing starts to pick up. It feels like someone is pressing down on my chest.
“Hey.” Ian crouches down next to me, hand on my shoulder. “Breathe, Nova. It’s going to be okay. We’re going to have everything we need. You have nothing to worry about.”
“Yeah,” I pant out. “Nothing. Nothing at all.”
“Is she okay?” Will asks, actually sounding concerned. Or is it annoyed? I don’t fucking know. I can’t tell over the ringing in my ears.
Warm arms wrap around me, and I find myself being pulled into Ian’s lap. “Shhh,” he soothes, a deep rumbling in his chest. “It’s okay, Omega. You're okay.”
I want to tell him to get fucked, to let me go, and not to call me Omega.
But I don’t; his scent blanketing over me is like a hit of the most relaxing drug.
My eyes flutter closed, and I focus on the feeling of his arms around me. I’m safe. Protected. And then the bastard starts to purr, and I turn to putty in his arms. Damn me for being an Omega and damn him for being this stupid sexy Alpha. Damn us all.
And that’s when I fall asleep in my captor’s arms, as if I have nothing to worry about.
The sound of a TV playing fills my ears as I come to. Blinking my eyes open, I look around and see I’m in the living room.
“What happened?” my voice cracks from sleep. I go to move, but strong arms hold me still.
“You fell asleep.” Ian’s low, rumbling voice has my eyes snapping up to his stunning blue ones.
“Oh,” I mumble, still a little disoriented. “Sorry.”
“Don’t be.”
“I–I need to pee.” I struggle to stand. This time Ian reluctantly lets go of me.
Needing some air and a moment to myself to think, I start to leave the room. “Nova?”
“Yeah?” I look over my shoulder. He moves to sit up, arms leaning on his legs as his eyes meet mine.
“Wanna watch a movie? There’s not much to do. But if you want to be alone, there’s some books you can read. Not sure if they’re any good, but...” He shrugs.
I want to tell him no, to put some distance between us, because who the hell sits and hangs out with the person who’s holding them against their will?
But the look in his eyes, it’s killing me. There’s so much hope in them. Does this mean more to him than it does me? Does he think that now that he’s found his scent match that he’s going to live happily ever after.
I can’t give him that. I can’t be his Omega. It would never work. Maybe if it was just with Ian, but not with the others. We would clash too much. And I don’t think Ian would leave his pack, hisbrothers,to be with me.
Then again, that's the point, I don’t know anything about him at all.
The longer my eyes are locked with his, the more the fight inside me dissipates. “A movie.” I slowly nod. “Yeah, I could go for a movie.”
Fucking hell, the smile that takes over his handsome face does things to my boarded up heart.