“Fuck yeah, I am.” I smile widely back as I take a seat at the table. He chuckles, plating a few pancakes and placing them in front of me.

I raise a brow, looking up at him. “What?” he asks, brows furrowed.

“Ahh, there's only three.”


“Dude, I’m starving. I haven’t eaten in almost twenty-four-hours.”

His eyes flash with panic. “Shit,” he hisses. “You're right. Fuck.” He places some more on my plate. “Is this enough?”

My brows furrow.Why is he being so weird about me getting enough to eat?

“Yeah. Thanks,” I murmur, grabbing the butter to smother my pancakes in. I drown them in maple syrup next, moaning when the flavor hits my tongue.

A low growl sounds next to me, making my eyes snap open to find Ian watching me with a hungry look.

“Stop that,” I mumble as I cross my legs.Damn traitorous pussy. Last time an Alpha growled at me, I punched him in the dick.

Ian’s growl makes me want to ride his dick.

What is wrong with me?I feel like I’m going to be asking myself that for a while.

“Sorry.” He clears his throat, shaking his head as if he didn’t know what he was doing. “Good?”

“Huh?” His Alpha pheromones hit me, making my mind go hazy and my nipples tighten.

“The pancakes. Are they good?”

“Oh, yeah.” I nod, taking another bite. “Did you know you smell like maple syrup?”

“Ah, no?” he chuckles. “Is that my scent to you?”

“Yup. And not going to lie, I don’t hate it. I actually love maple candies, and now, I don’t think I’m going to be able to eat one without thinking of you.”

He grins, like what I just said means the world to him.

Dude is simping hard. Gonna be a shame when I break his heart.

Maybe I’m being a little dramatic. Maybe he’s just nice and it has nothing to do with me.

The lights flicker, causing the both of us to look up. “Everything okay?” I ask Ian.

He doesn’t get a chance to answer, because a few seconds later, Will comes running up the steps from the basements.

“Fuck yes.” He woots as he steps into the kitchen.

“Got it to work?” Ian asks hopefully.


“Got what to work?” I ask, looking between the two of them.

Will’s face falls when he sees me, a frown setting into place.Geez, tough crowd.He’s acting like I’m the one who’s keeping him against his will.

“The power,” he says, clearing his throat.

“So, no more generator?” I ask.