“I’m sure it will be fine,” I whispered. “I’ll ask to make sure.”
She nodded. “Now that that’s settled. Let’s talk about you and Benjamin.”
My eyes widened, and I gripped my hands together underneath the table. “What about us?”
“Are you guys going to move?” she asked.
She sighed. “I knew it.” She took a sip of her tea. “He left me no choice.” She knew exactly how to knot someone’s stomach up. “His dad wants him to manage our dealership in Charleston,” she informed me with ease. “I don’t know if Benny would even want it, but it’s his if he wants to move.”
It was hard for me to hold a smile when I had no clue what all this meant. This made sense though. He was distracted about something, and this had to be it. “He never mentioned it to me.”
“Don’t look worried,” she warned me instead of consoling me. “Knowing him, he probably won’t even consider it because of you.”
“Why?” I frowned.
“Would you go if he asked you to pick up and move without much notice?”
I thought about it. My answer came easy. Yes. Of course, I’d go with him. The thought of him leaving me here again made me want to break into tears. I was even afraid of the idea that he might decide to go and not ask if I wanted to go. My soul cracked a little with that thought.
But, at the same time, I remembered Dad and frowned.
“I’d go anywhere with him,” I admitted softly. “But he hasn’t said anything and there’s also my dad to think about.”
“What about him?” she asked.
I met her eyes across the table. “He has no one.”
She tossed her hands up in the air. “Ah, he’s fine. He has Ben.” That made me smile slightly, but not enough. “Your dad…” She tilted her head back and forth as if she were thinking. “He’s a good-looking man. I bet I can set him up with one of my lady friends if you want.”
“He despises the idea of being set up with someone,” I told her. “I had a co-worker around his age last year that I wanted to set him up with—anyway he liked to kill me over it.”
That made her smile. “No matter, he’ll never realize what I’m doing.”
Her words were slightly terrifying. She was a terrifying woman in general.
“I’m not sure…” I drifted off.
That hand of hers waved in the air again. “Don’t worry. I’ve got it all figured out.”
“Faith… Do you think Benjamin wants to move?” I asked in a whispery voice.
“I don’t know,” she mumbled. “You’re his woman. You need to figure out what you’re willing to do yourself.”
“But he hasn’t even told me.”
“Does that disappoint you?”
“Of course!”
She smiled. “I’m not worried then, but maybe he is. He might be thinking too much about how you’d react… Just like you’re overthinking him not telling you.”
I bit my lip and sighed. “This isn’t us.”
“Love makes everyone different because love gives fear the ability to control us. Tell me, Emily, how much more is there to fear now that you’re in love with my Benny?”
I completely overlooked her saying ‘my Benny’ because I was too focused on the truth of her words. She was right. Love like this… What I felt for Benjamin was terrifying because I didn’t know how to escape the fear of losing it. It wasn’t rational to even worry about something that was so beautiful and perfect, but I couldn’t stop my brain from wanting to reach into the future and wonder if he’d stop adoring me like he did now.