Me:Nooo. It makes me nervous to think of anyone else reading it… What if it’s horrible?
Benjamin:Then you’ll know.
Benjamin:Send it to my email. I’ll suffer and read through it. I want to see how much of a gorilla I am.
Me:Well, when you put it like that.
I couldn’t holdin my laughter that time, it came out like a snort.
This was hilarious. Emily had outdone herself. But maybe I enjoyed it because I could tell it was us. Emily turned herself into Rosie in the story. Only she hadn’t told me that, but I could just tell. This had us written all over it.
Shit, though. I didn’t know how annoying I could be when it came to looking out for her. It was obvious in this story that I could be.
I found myself smiling though. Rosie still liked her gorilla Ben, regardless.
Tammy turned over and looked at me in bed. “What are you doing?” Sleep filled her voice.
“Reading,” I told her, setting my phone down.
Only I was still thinking about her story. I wanted to know where she planned to take their story next. Were Gorilla Ben and Rosie just going to stay friends or would something else evolve?
If you asked me, I felt the story needed romance.
The next day, I called Emily. She answered on the second ring. “Hello?”
“The way it ended… You plan to write more, right?” I started out.
She laughed. “You finished it in one night?”
“Well, what did you think?”
“Well, I think I did one of your snorting laughs a few times last night while reading and woke Tammy up because of it.” Emily laughed over the phone. “It was hilarious, Emily. Not just that. It was good. But I might be biased… I could send it to a few friends and have them read it and give you some honest feedback.”
“What?” she sputtered. “No, why would you do that?”
“Because we need to let the world know about Gorilla Ben and Rosie.”
She was quiet. “Stop. You’re exaggerating. Of course, you’re gonna think anything I write is decent.”
“With some proper editing and work, I’d bet a lot of people would get a kick out of these two.”
“Why not?”
“Because it’s silly. Who would read it?”
“I would. I need more of them, actually. I’ll get a few people to read it, and you’ll get some honest feedback. You do the same. Ask some teachers at the college.”
She groaned. “This is making my stomach churn.”