Page 32 of Just Enough

All I could think about was my gorilla and a human girl named Rosie. AKA: Me and Benjamin. It was hilarious, or at least it felt that way inside my head. I laughed out loud at the trouble that went on in their world, earning a few odd looks from Roger or whoever was around me.

Even at work, I walked around inside my head, often making mistakes and getting into trouble because of it. And since Katie was pregnant and ranting about her hormones, she pitched a fit when I wasn’t paying attention today. She finally broke down and told me to write. She said I was annoying everyone around me because I wasn’t listening or responding.

I was daydreaming.

So, I listened.

I sat on the couch and typed away while Roger slept in our bedroom. I moved in with him a couple of months ago aftermanymonths of him asking. I didn’t regret it. I enjoyed living with him, and Dad was doing great. I handed him control of his money and life before I left, and I wouldn’t forget the absolute fear in his eyes when I did. But he hadn’t messed up. He was doing good.

Mom and Sarah came over to my apartment once a week to eat with me and Roger. They both liked him. Dad was so-so about him. Said that I didn’t act like a woman in love. I probably wasn’t, but I fell out of the idea of love in high school after three crappy boyfriends. Now I just sought out comfort and time with someone.

That probably made me a crappy girlfriend, but Roger didn’t seem to mind. He told me he loved me all the time. I just never said it back, but he said it most when we were having sex, so I didn’t feel compelled to say it in the heat of the moment.

Not that there was any heat. Rarely did I get off, but at least I did get off with Roger. He was the first guy. The other three…. Duds.


“What are you still doing up?” Roger came stumbling out of the bedroom rubbing his eyes a few nights later.

“I’m writing,” I told him in total concentration as the clicks of my fingers hitting the keyboard echoed in the darkened living room.

“You’re serious about this writing, aren’t you?” He yawned.

I looked up at him. “Yeah, I am. I feel like I won’t be able to concentrate on anything until I write it.”

He smiled at me. “That’s good… So, is it a short story or…?”

“I thought it would be, but turns out there’s a lot more to it than I thought.”

“What’s it about?”

It felt weird saying it aloud, especially when it came to the gorilla’s name, I didn’t actually know why that was. “I’m writing a sort of comedy or maybe fantasy about a gorilla and his pal.” I thought about it for a second before I added, “I’m using Benjamin for the gorilla.”

He laughed, wrinkling his nose. “What?”

I smiled. “Yeah, I gave him a personality just like him. It’s hilarious.” I listened to myself. “Well, I think it is.”

He lifted his brow at me. “I’m heading back to bed. You coming?”

I really didn’t want to, but I closed the laptop and did anyway.


Me:On a scale of 0 to 0 how upset would you be if I made you into a giant gorilla slash man?


Me:I might have written something. I also might have finished it : )

Benjamin:No way! I knew you could do it.

Benjamin:Wait… Am I character in the book?

Me:Maybe… You’re my main man.

Benjamin:Send it to me.
