Page 30 of Just Enough

Me:Yes. That’s what I came home from work to see.

Benjamin:How did that happen?

Me:Dad said he saw him having trouble putting the swing together while he sat on the porch and asked if he needed help.

Me:I sniff a bromance brewing.


Me:They’re still outside together! Dad’s back is going to kill him tonight.

Me:Your mom is going to cry.

Benjamin: -_-Don’t think I don’t know you take pleasure in thinking of her discomfort.



More weeks later…

Me:So, I’ve been thinking…

Benjamin:I never thought I’d see the day.


Benjamin: (smiling emoji)

Me:I’ve been thinking about how crazy you were about giving me this laptop. I can’t think of anything epic to write. (sad face emoji)

Benjamin:No killer Teddies?


Benjamin:No possessed dolls?


Benjamin:No talking stuffed animal that has laser beams as eyes?

Me:LOL. No. What is it with you and toys?

Benjamin:Do you not remember how much you’d scare the shit out of me with them?


Me:But seriously, I got nothing. I’m so boring now.

Benjamin:You’re not boring, you’re just busy with work and school… If you can’t be creative, how about you start writing about something you know for now?

Me:Like what?

Benjamin:Like… The terror that Katie was in high school.

Me:LOLOLOLOLOL. Leave her alone. She’s getting married next week! And you won’t even come home…

Benjamin:Poor fella…