Page 31 of Just Enough

Me:You’re awful.


More weeks later… My thoughts turn to tales of gorillas…

That little boy’s got a gorilla in his hand…

Gorillas pound their chests.

Katie wouldn’t make a good gorilla though, she’d be more of a hyena or a leopard.

Benjamin would make a fun gorilla…overbearing and protective.

I snickered. He might look like one if he pounded his chest when he got into one of his moods.

That’s a good idea.

An ape-man looking out for his best friend, the human.

Hmm… What would her name be?

Gorilla would be Ben the gorilla, of course…

Oh no! The little boy dropped his dinosaur, and his mom took the gorilla from him.

Quick Ben! Escape and save your dino friend!

“Are you listening?” Roger asked me from across our booth at Crash’s. Surprisingly, I wasn’t working. I was here to eat.

I tore my eyes away from the little boy and his gorilla and focused on my boyfriend who was being nice and buying me food. “Sorry, I was looking at the little boy and his gorilla.”

Roger shook his head with a smile. “Goofy.”

“It actually gave me an idea,” I told him.


“Yeah,” I paused, feeling nervous about talking about writing to anyone other than Benjamin. “Truthfully, I’ve been thinking about writing.”

“Writing?” He tilted his head. “Huh.”

Huh?What did ‘huh’ mean?

“Just for fun,” I said quickly.

“Nobody writes for fun.”


Chapter 10



1-year prior…

I couldn’t sleep.I rarely ate. I could hardly focus.