Page 41 of Filthy Few

I stalk into chem and spot Nova instantly in her usual spot. I slam my books down on the table but she doesn’t even react, she just keeps doodling in her book and ignoring me completely. I’m on edge and need an outlet. I couldn’t meet up with the guysbecause practice ran over and Hayze made sure to keep fucking with me and taunting me with how he would ask Nova to come out later.

I know what he is doing, he’s trying to get me to admit that she means something to me. I’m more on edge because of the fucking letter that is burning a hole in my pocket than anything else.

“Desperate, huh?” I grit out. She keeps her head down and continues to draw as she answers.

“If that’s what turns you on, go for it.” Her answer just fuels my rage.

“Some might say you dropping to your knees for a stranger is desperate.” The only indication that I have that my words are effecting her is the slight hunch of her shoulders.

“Yeah, well, unlike your pussy squad out there, I don’t make the same mistake twice. You know, fool me once and all that shit.”

“If I recall it was a lot more than twice,” I say in a husky tone that has her finally turning her gaze to me but I did not expect her to look up at me with tears in her eyes—anger yes but not fucking tears.

“Yeah, it was a lot more but unlike you, I wasn’t hiding or pretending, it was real for me!” I open my mouth to try to defend myself but she pushes on. “I’m paying for the mistakes I made, unlike you. I’m living in hell until the guy who fucked me over with his friends helps me. So, tell me, Vox, how did I wrong you again?” I open and close my mouth but no words come out. She scoffs and returns her attention back to her book and continues to scribble. I peer over her shoulder and grit my teeth when I read what she wrote.

Vox Hatchett is a bitch.

Die Ezekiel.

Hayze is a pussy.

Archer needs to be shot with an arrow.

They are filthy, disgusting and make me sick, especially two horns!

Before I realize it, the bell rings and I heard nothing from the professor. I was too lost in my own head repeating what she wrote over and over again. She tears the page from her books and tosses it to me as she stands and stalks out of the room. Students snicker and taunt her thanks to the collar and the show Nexus put on this morning. I look down at the sheet and crumple it, not wanting to read her hatred of me again.

I exit the classroom and head toward the cafeteria as my phone pings with a text.


Nine sharp, be there!

Son of a bitch!

I pocket my phone and round the corner, spotting Ez and Archer leaning against my locker. They shoot me a look but when I spot Nexus and Hayze coming toward us, I give them a subtle shake of my head. The letter is going to have to wait until after lunch at this fucking rate.

“Come on, boys, I have a surprise for you!” Nexus shouts, drawing the attention of everyone. I say nothing as I follow after him and the others. I dart my gaze around and don’t see anything, but then my gaze lands on Nova standing at the edge of our usual table holding a tray. Nexus laughs loudly and rubs his hands together as he approaches her.

Disgust rolls through me at the sight of her standing there with her head down looking utterly powerless.

“This is how we should be greeted!” Nexus calls out. Everyone turns toward the five of us but when they spot Nova, all their phones are pulled and they begin recording her shame. I harden my features making sure not to give anything away, we can’t help her or we risk fucking up the plan—I risk fucking up the plan. “Put my tray down.” She does as he says and places it on the table.

“Good, piggy, now…kneel.” It takes everything inside me not to display my shock. I watch her inhale sharply then slowly lower to her knees. Laughter and cheers sound out around the room at the sight of her on her knees before Nexus. He pats the top of her head. “Good, piggy! Come on boys, let's eat.”

I’m the first to take my seat but I don’t spare Nova a glance, not even when every fucker comes over to snap pics of her and taunt her. Hayze and Archer look like they want to smash Nexus’ skull in but refrain. I look around the table but don’t see Ezekiel. Nexus is still there smiling and talking to a few of the guys as he eats.

“Get the fuck away from her!” I snap my head to the side to see my sister shouldering every motherfucker out of her way so she can get to Nova. My eyes narrow when I see Ezekiel standing behind her carrying something, Vivian turns around and snatches the bucket out of his grasp and then tips it on Nexus, He shoves back from the table but slips over in the… crimson liquid.

“You fucking bitch!” he roars. It takes a split second for me and the two beside me to be on our feet.

“You want to be a big boy, then let’s play Carrie!” Vivi snaps as she grabs Nova’s arm and hauls her to her feet.

“Oh shit, it’s pig's blood!” someone calls out and then everyone is laughing and filming Nexus who is covered head totoe in pig blood. I look to Ezekiel to find his gaze already on me but it's the dark look in his eyes that gives me pause.

“I’m done playing, I don’t like her but I won’t watch Vivian suffer because her friend is hurting,” is all he says before he turns and goes after my sister and Nova.

Chapter Twenty-Five