I try pulling free of her hold but she won’t let me go. “Vivian, stop!” I call out as she drags me through the parking lot toward Vox’s car. Just as she reaches his car I manage to get free only to stumble back into someone, I whirl around to see Ezekiel standing there with a furious look on his face. I swallow audibly as I stare up at him. He takes a step forward and I take one back, causing him to narrow his eyes. When he lifts his hand I flinch and his eyes widen in anger, forcing me to remain still as he reaches around my neck and unclasps the collar.
“Don’t ever let anyone do this shit to you,” he snarls, then tosses the collar onto the hood of Nexus’ car. When I dart forward to try and grab it, he hauls me back with an arm around my waist.
“Get the fuck off me!” I scream. He shoves me back against Vox’s car, then gets right in my face.
“You want to fight, then fight him, don’t fucking bow down,” he grits out, anger lacing each of his words.
“I can’t,” I whisper, hating how defeated I sound. “Thomas gets home tonight and I need to obey everything he says or you know what he will do,” I admit.
“What’s going on here?” The sound of Vivian’s voice breaks us apart. Ez stabs a hand through his hair and tugs on the strands in agitation.
“Nothing,” I mutter.
“Oh, so is this the part where I play dumb and act like I have no idea about what you all have been up to?” Ezekiel snaps his head toward Vivian in shock. She meets his gaze with a quirked brow and a hand on her hip. “Vox may shelter me as best he can but I’m not stupid, Ez. I know a lot more than I let you all think.”
“Vi, you have no idea?—”
She cuts him off. “About the Haven Saints? Or is it about theFilthy Few?” she mock whispers their crew name. Ezekiel’s mouth pops open at the same time mine does. I stare at my friend in astonishment, it never once occurred to me to reach out to her and ask for help.
“Vivian!” The moment is shattered by the sound of Vox’s voice. He, Hayze and Archer all storm toward us, looking like a dark cloud of angry energy. He wraps his arm around her shoulder and then looks at me with concern and pity in his blue eyes. I scoff and turn away from him, crossing my arms over my chest.
“I know, I shouldn’t have done that but can we save the lecture for later?” she pleads with her brother. My phone begins to ring, silencing everyone. I pull it out and frown at the unknown number but answer it anyway.
“Miss Quinlin?”
My brows draw in. “Yeah?”
“My name is Hannah and I am one of the nurses caring for your mother.” My stomach bottoms out.
“Where is she?” I shout, in an instant I feel Vox come up behind me but I ignore him and the others surrounding me.
“She has had to be sedated again?—”
I cut the bitch off. “Where is she, please just tell me where she is?” I sob out. Vox wraps his arm around my waist, drawing me back into him. I allow it because right now his hold is the only thing keeping me from falling to my knees.
“That information is private, all I can tell you is she is now resting and will remain that way. Take care, Miss Quinlin.”
“No!” I scream out. As the call disconnects, a strangled sound tears out of me. Vox spins me around and I bury my face in his chest as I allow the tears to fall. His hold on me is strong and protective—and as much as I know I need to pull away from him and not let myself fall into the trap he is setting, I can’t find the strength to do it. I give myself another minute to break apart before I pull away from Vox. I turn my back to them as I wipe away my tears and compose myself.
I straighten and take a few deep breaths then steel my spine as I turn to face them all. Each of them stand there, looking worried and guilty—good they should feel guilty.
I shake my head silencing Vivian, bless her and everything but now is not the time. I can’t step out of line or allow them to help me. Nexus just showed me that he isn’t bluffing. When I move forward the guys let me past but the growl that comes from Ezekiel when I grab the collar has me turning to face them. They all look pissed off at the sight of the collar in my hand but this is how it has to be. I focus my attention on Vivian knowing she is going to be the hardest to convince.
“I need you to stay away from me,” I plead.
Her face falls. “Nova, we can help you.”
I shake my head and smile sadly. “I appreciate that. I’ve never had a friend stick up for me aside from Waylen. What you did will always mean a lot to me, Vivian, but I can’t allow my mom to be hurt because of me.” I look to Vox next, he looks like the devil crawled inside him and is using his skin as a suit. “You need to read the letter, we have a week. Stay away from me, Vox, all of you need to pretend like I don’t exist.”
“What if I can’t?” His question shocks the fuck out of me. It seems it has shocked the others as well because they are staring at him with wide eyes.
“It isn’t your choice to make. You wanted me destroyed, wanted information from me and you used my body to get it. Every part of my house may be monitored but not my bedroom. I used your entry and exit point to sneak out and stash the files in your garden shed last night. You have your proof, Vox, now leave me alone.”