Page 89 of Filthy Few

“I didn’t—” Nexus cuts me off with an icy look, he’s illuminated by the light pouring in from the hallway.

“A favor asked is a debt owed,” two horns says.

Nexus scoffs. “You have nothing I want?—”

“Eleanor Denver,” says no horns. I see Nexus pale out of the corner of my eye.

“She’s dead,” he grits out through clenched teeth. I've seen Nexus angry, smug, aroused and even furious but I’ve never seen him scared until now.

“Is she?” two horns taunts.

“What the fuck are you trying to do?” Nexus snarls.

“A favor asked is a debt owed,” left horn says, then the three of them turn and race out onto the balcony, leaping over the side. I would have thought Nexus would chase after them but instead he stands there staring at the open doorway, like he’sseen a ghost. I attempt to slink back into the bathroom to get away from him but halt when he snaps his head toward me.

“Who the fuck were those cunts?” he forces out through gritted teeth.

I gulp. “That was theFilthy Few,” I whisper.

“Get them back here, now!” he roars. I stumble back a step in fear. I begin to shake my head but stop when he moves toward me.

“I can’t,” I shout. He stops advancing and searches my eyes.

“How do you find them?”

My eyes dart to the note on the bed, he follows my gaze, then darts over to it and plucks it off the comforter. I flick the lights on and sigh in relief that I’m not stuck here in the dark with Nexus. I look at the postcard in his hand and shake my head, it’s the same one two horns gave me when he first came to me.

Where they rest for eternal life is where a favor is asked.

The stone with the head is where you will be led.

Be certain of the favor you ask, we will not offer a second.

The debt will be collected when the favor is complete.

A favor asked is a debt owed.

I can remember the words on that fucking without even trying, they will be forever ingrained in my memory until I die.

“Where the fuck is this place?” he demands.

“The favor isn’t worth the debt,” I find myself saying.

“Tell me where the fuck to find these cunts or I’ll be burying my cock in your ass willing or not.” Hatred and disgust roll through me.

“You should know the fucking place well, dick, you buried my best friend there.”

Chapter Forty-Eight


The fear in his eyes is everything I hoped it would be.

When Nexus and Nova arrived at school I could see he was rattled, his usual cocky grin and holier than thou attitude was nowhere to be seen. I kept playing my part and was a bastard to Nova all day long, Nexus didn’t even seem interested in her at this point. She wasn’t forced to kneel or eat out of the dog bowl Nicole gave her.

When Nicole tried to shove Nova’s face in the food, Nova fought back and Nexus didn’t even bat an eye, he just stood up and walked out. The rest of the week played out the same, Nova had returned to her own room and Thomas was growing irritated with his son and kept calling on me for favors that should have been carried out by his heir. The fear of his pastcatching up to him is unraveling him, which is why I find myself standing inside Thomas’ home Friday night.

“I need this done, the Saints are being seen as weak because of this fucking mole and we need to find out who it is. Calvin, Russell and Bert are doing their best but even they can only do so fucking much.”