“What has the mole done?” I ask.
“The funds for the community account have vanished!” Thomas roars, that admission captures my attention. The Saints have an account that they pile all their money into to fund their businesses like the new hotel they are opening in town, which is just a cover for the brothel they will run inside it. They also have plans for a casino to be built but without the funds they’re at a standstill. I have no idea when the Saints changed and became a mafia-like brotherhood where we dealt in illegal shit and killed people for stepping out of line.
“How much money are we talking?”
A vein bulges in the middle of Thomas’ forehead. “Eighty Million.” I just manage to keep my mouth from popping open, these bastard have foreclosed on houses and upped the interest rates on properties in town to fund these projects and give zero fucks about the people they are robbing to get richer.
“What do you want me to do?”
“I want you to find out who the fuck this mole is and bring me the head of the cunt!” he roars and slams his fist down on his desk.
“Can’t the bank just get your money back?” I push.
“Are you fucking stupid boy? The money is gone and there is no fucking way of getting it back, I have made deals with very powerful people and made promises that need to be kept.” A smug sense of satisfaction washes over me, I know who the mole is and Nikoa is making sure to hit Thomas where it fucking hurts. I have no doubt this idiot has gone and made deals withthe wrong types of people and I’m sure it goes without saying that if he doesn’t deliver they will collect compensation in the form of his or his son’s flesh.
“You want me to take Nexus with me to shake down some fuckers?” I go for a casual tone. Thomas grinds his teeth and tugs at the strands of his hair.
“No. I don’t want my son involved in this, he’s got a bitch to keep in line and train.” I keep the anger from splaying across my face as I nod and turn to leave. I make it out front and unlock my car, only to have searing pain explode in the back of my head. I whirl around ready to fight but then I see the rock on the ground and dart my gaze up to see my sister standing a foot away from me, with a look of rage plastered across her face. It isn’t just rage I see etched in my twin’s features though, I see so much pain and sorrow in her eyes that my chest splinters open for her and the immense grief she must be feeling.
“What the fuck, Vivian?” I snap.
“Where are they?” she screams.
She scoffs. “You want to abandon me, then fine, but you give me Archer, Hayze and Ezekiel back now.”
Fire burns through my veins and my jaw locks as I scowl at my sister. I spy Nova out of the corner of my eye, walking up her driveway clearly just getting home from her cleaning duties. She pauses at the sight of me and my sister and stares.
“Archer and Hayze took off after Ezekiel’s body was found. You’re on your own, Vivian.” Pain explodes inside my chest at the devastated look on my twin's face. Unable to stomach the sight of her tears. I climb in my car and start the engine, but before I can peel out of there, the passenger door is yanked open and Nova slides inside, glaring at me. I say nothing as I plant my foot and get the fuck out of there. Neither of us says a word until we are two blocks away then she finally speaks.
“Why did you lie?”
“Want to be more specific? Shouldn’t you be at home blowing Nexus?” I bite out.
“One, fuck you. Two, you’re a pig.”
“You never seemed to mind sucking my dick.” She scoffs and crosses her arms over her chest, then slouches back in her seat.
“Dick,” she mumbles beneath her breath.
“Why the fuck are you here, witch?” I clip out.
“You’re up to something and I want to know what it is.”
I laugh but there’s no humor to it. “You think I would tell you? I thought you hated me and blamed me for killing yourbestie?” I taunt.
A strangled sound escapes her and I fight to not feel guilty for throwing that shit in her face. I don’t know what she expected from me today, after that fight with my sister she should have known I wouldn’t be in the mood for her bullshit.
“I know you’re up to something.”
I growl in annoyance. “Yeah, I have shit to do for my lord. Now, unless you are here to suck my cock or give that pussy up, then I suggest you get the fuck out now because I don’t have time for your?—”
“I fuck you and you tell me who the hell Elenor Denver is!” I pull over onto the shoulder of the road and slam the car park, then turn to her. I run my gaze over her body and instantly my cock is growing hard at the sight of her, unlike every other girl I have had in the past, Nova Quinlin doesn’t even have to try to turn me on, just the thought of her alone has my dick twitching. I open my mouth but the words die in my throat when she shifts and straddles my lap. Instinctively my hands grip her waist.
“The fuck do you think you are doing, witch?” I try to sound unaffected but the second she pushes down and feels how hard I am for her already, a sinister smirk graces her full lips.
“A favor is a debt owed, right?”