Page 66 of Secret Billionaire

“I get that now.”

“The hypocrisy of wealth…well I had to run across to the other side of the planet to escape from my family name. Everyone saw me as this free-spirited girl, doing her thing, world traveler, writing my blog, doing my art, shacking up with my lover, throwing money around left and right. People hanging on to me because I had money and I liked to spend it. Money meant nothing to me…still doesn’t. But it comes with a lot of baggage. It’s empty. When I met your mom, I felt a pain so deep it almost took my breath away. She is everything I ever wanted when I was growing up. So grounded and strong and warm, good… just like you Jesse.”


She held up her hand, “Jess, the truth is I don’t feel like I’m good enough for you. It was selfish of me to let you go on thinking I was some poor helpless victim when I could have just asked one of my billionaire brothers to flex their muscles and the work would have already been done by now.”

“You wanted to make your own mark Faye. I totally get that. You weren’t trying to hurt me.”

“I’m so confused right now. I’m not even sure what I was doing. That’s why it’s best we just keep things the way they are right now. I’ve got no right to drag you through my emotional rollercoaster while I figure things out.”

“Faye, that’s what couples do. They walk through things together. Maybe you didn’t see much modeling of that growing up, but I did. That’s how it’s done. If you wait until you have it all figured out, you’ll be on your death bed, full of regrets.”

A single tear escaped and trailed down her cheek before she wiped it away. “Jesse, I’m not closing any doors, I just need time.”

He grabbed her wrist, exposing her tattoo before reading it out loud, “Dream as if you’ll live forever, live as if you’ll die today. Dammit Faye, do you think that’s how you’re really living right now?”

She remained quiet.

“I guess I have no choice but to do it your way.”

“Don’t be mad at me.”

“I’m frustrated, not mad.”

“I’m sorry Jess. And you know what else? Selfishly, I want you to wait for me,” she whispered.

He blew out a deep breath. “What the hell else am I going to do?”

She grabbed his hand and kissed the back of it. He pulled her out of her chair and wrapped his arms around her hugging tight.

“Can I have one kiss?” he murmured.

She answered by tilting her head up. He placed his lips against hers and waited for her to respond. She parted her lips and he kissed her long and hard leaving her panting. When he lifted his head, her eyes were smoldering with passion. He’d leave her right there, wanting for more. She may as well be as horny as he was.

“I’m calling it quits for the day. Are you ready for me to walk you out?” he said.

Breathlessly she said, “Yes, let me put away a couple of files, then I’m good to go.” Her hands were unsteady as she cleared her desk. He smiled in satisfaction, knowing she’d be missing his touch tonight, just as much as he was missing hers.