Page 67 of Secret Billionaire


Jesse was meeting a group of friends at his parents’ for a pickup game of beach volleyball… followed by lots of beer and a seafood boil. His brothers and their families were coming, and Lord knew who else was going to show up. It was Sunday afternoon and Faye had decided that they should take a break, so he had a whole day to chill.

He had called Faye, but it’d gone straight to her voicemail. Instead of hanging up, he’d left a long rambling message inviting her and reassuring her not to feel pressured and why didn’t she come for fun, they could keep it in the friend-zone and she didn’t have to worry about him reading more into it…blah blah blah. The more he had said the stupider he’d sounded.

He raked his hands through his hair, blowing out a deep breath. The uncertainty was frustrating as hell. He wanted to shake her. Her excuses just seemed lame.

He could understand wanting to take things slow and easy, he was all for that. He was just as invested in preserving his own heart as she was. But dammit, she wouldn’t be the only one taking risks. Their feelings for each other had long passed the friend zone. Their chemistry was undeniable. He hoped that it was only a matter of time before they got back together anyway, so why wait?

He stomped up the stairs and let himself in. “Mom?”

Ruby came out from the back of the house, her usual cheerful countenance on display. “Hey sweetie. You’re early. What time is the gang showing up?”

“It’s loose. I told them any time after three.”

“Good that gives us a little time to catch up.”

“That’s why I’m here.”

“Let me pour us some tea and we can sit on the porch and talk.”

He slung an arm across her shoulders and squeezed.

“Sounds good Mom. Where’s Pops?”

“He’ll be back. He’s golfing with Bill.”

“Extra ice please.”

Hand on her hip, Ruby said, “Anything else prince Jess?”

He held his palms up as he backed away comically, “I’ll just be heading on out then.”

Reclining on the lounger he put his hands behind his head and watched the pelicans dive bomb straight down into the ocean, fishing for their next meal. It never got old. They were comical and he could almost hear a cartoon soundtrack in his head.

“Here ya go,” Ruby said. “Is that darling Faye coming today?”

“Don’t know. I left a message.”

“Good. I hope she comes.”

“Doubtful. Seems she has to keep me at arm’s length… for my own protection no less.”

“She’ll come around.”

“I hope so Ma. I’m starting to get frustrated. Why should it all be up to her? I’m the one that got lied to.”

“That’s oversimplifying it a bit, don’t ya think? It’s what’s behind the deception that’s the issue here.”

“How are we ever going to find out if her billionaire status is a deal breaker if we don’t try?”

“Give her time Jess. She’s got all that other stuff you were telling me about as well. That’s a lot to contend with. Which leads me to a point I want to make. If the ex is that obsessed with her, you can be sure he knows about you. I want you to be extremely careful. It’s no longer just about Faye, but also about whoever gets in the way. I’ll feel so much better when they find him.”

“Me too and I’m aware of that fact.”

“Just be extra alert.”

“I am. You don’t need to be worrying about me.”