As they followed Richard through the grandiose home, Jesse glanced over at Ty. He felt a stab of pity for the kid. Seeing Faye’s pinched expression and feeling her death grip on his arm made him question again just what they were in for. Jesse had built plenty of million-dollar houses, but this was on a whole other level.
When they finally made it outside, to the center of action, Jesse’s eyes narrowed. Nothing could have prepared him for the scene before him. Casual? He had thought he’d landed it just right, but now he felt way under-dressed. The men all looked like they’d stepped out of a GQ magazine and the women…well let’s just say he was a bit out of his comfort zone. He had his first unsettling moments of doubt creep in.
There was a jazz quartet playing poolside, waiters in black and white uniforms walking amongst the guests carrying trays of hors d’oeuvres and full glasses of champagne and wine. There were colorful bursts of flowers scattered everywhere, in large planters and in the surrounding flower beds. The Olympic-sized pool looked inviting as hell but currently had fake lily pads holding votive candles floating across the surface. A huge granite wall had water cascading down into a pool beneath, full of colorful koi fish swimming lazily as the sun reflected off the bubbling water.
Ty looked like a deer in the headlights as Faye’s brother Griffin strode toward them. Jesse leaned in close and said, “Do you get the feeling we just walked onto a movie set?”
“Fuckin-a.” Tyler agreed.
Griffin could only be described as stunningly handsome. He had the self-possessed air of someone who’d never known hardship and had led a privileged life that most could only imagine. Arrogant or overly confident, maybe they were one in the same, but whatever you want to call it he had it in spades. He came off as a cocky playboy in Jesse’s humble opinion. He knew it was going to take some work to keep an open mind.
Faye threw her arms around Griffin then kissed his cheek. “How’s my baby brother?”
“Wishing I was on the golf course right about now.”
“How is our father today?”
“Lukewarm, I’d say.”
“I told you he’s softening.”
Turning toward her guests she said, “Griffin, remember Jesse?”
He bit back a laugh, “Yeah how could I forget. My friend Faye LeBlanc here. I tried to tell her you’d feel like a chump when you found out who she really was. But as usual she never listens to anyone.”
Jesse worked at keeping his expression neutral even though he felt like sinking his fist into that perfect jawline.
Faye’s eyes were overly bright as she pulled Ty forward into their circle. “This is Tyler Anderson our nephew.”
“Hey Ty. The resemblance is uncanny,” Griffin said casually. “Nice to finally meet you.” He reached out his hand and gave Ty a warm handshake.
Jesse counted that as a point in Griffin’s favor. If he’d been an ass to Ty, all bets would have been off. He took a long slow breath in and readjusted his attitude. He was doing this for Faye, so he’d better get a grip, or he’d blow it for sure. He didn’t want to disappoint her.
Griffin turned toward Jesse. “Do you golf?”
“Some. I don’t really have the time, but I get out on a course a couple times a year.”
“How about you Ty?”
Ty’s lips twisted, “Nope, never. That’s a rich man’s game.”
“I’ll take you out with me some time,” Griffin said.
Ty crossed his arms and defiantly glared. “No thanks.”
Just then Finn came running up and threw his arms around Faye. “Aunt Faye!”
“Hey Finn. I want you to meet a couple of incredibly special people. This is your cousin Tyler, and this is a very good friend of mine, Jesse.”
Finn’s eyes sparkled as he greeted the two men. “Hi, I’m seven.”
Jesse squatted down to be eye level with Finn, “I’ve heard a lot about you Finn. Great to finally meet you.”
“Are you Aunt Faye’s boyfriend?”
Jesse’s eyes crinkled as he smiled up at Faye, “I guess you could say that.”