Page 81 of Secret Billionaire


Faye sat on her front porch stoop, unconsciously wringing her hands as she waited for Jesse and Ty to pick her up. She felt like a cat on a hot tin roof, half sick to her stomach with nerves. What had she been thinking? These men were two of the most important people in her life, and she was surely about to send them to slaughter.

She saw the truck round the corner and ran up to greet them. Her eyes widened when Ty jumped out to give her the front seat. He almost didn’t look like her Ty. His jet black hair was slicked back with some kind of gel product and he had ironed his black tee shirt, tucked it into black jeans and even managed to put on a belt. Granted it was a biker style, black leather with silver studs, but still… He wore his signature wide-woven leather bracelet and the small silver hoop earring, but he almost looked conservative…at least by his usual standards.

“Wow Ty, you clean up nice!” Faye said.

He scowled. “I hope you’re happy. I wouldn’t do this for just anybody.”

She impulsively gave him a big hug. “I know that, and I’m honored. Too bad Addison can’t see you right now.” That produced a slight curl of his lips.

Ty crawled into the back of the cab and Faye took the front seat next to Jesse. Her breath caught in her throat when she locked eyes with Jess. He hungrily took in every inch of her and her skin felt singed. He flashed a sexy crooked smile and her heart melted.

“You look amazing Faye.”

His gaze heated her skin and she was glad she’d chosen this dress. It was short and flirty, and the strapless bodice left her shoulders bare. She had taken extra care with her hair and had added a bright red lipstick at the last minute.

He looked handsome and delicious, his muscles filling out the white polo shirt perfectly. His strong tanned forearms with the dusting of golden hair made her belly do flip-flops. She bit her lip as she stared at the outline of his muscular thighs, taunt against the gray linen fabric of his slacks.

Faye fanned herself and said, “My my, you sure know how to make a girl swoon Jesse Carlisle.”

He reached for her hand and squeezed it. “Winning. That’s what I’m talking about. Getting Faye Bennett to swoon is now my main objective in life.”

“I just happen to be the lucky girl accompanied by the two most gorgeous men on the island,” she replied.

“Don’t think your flattery is going to get you out of this; paybacks are a bitch,” Ty said.

“You’ll be fine! I know I’ve been over this, but just don’t let them get to you. I’ve warned you about my father, he’ll try to intimidate you, just ignore him. Let it all roll off your back.”

“Remind me again why I’m doing this?” Ty said.

“Because, you should know your own family and they should know you. It’s a start.”

Jesse pulled at his shirt collar uncomfortably. “I must admit, I’m looking forward to this about as much as a root canal.”

“You got that right, bro,” Ty said.

“You guys, it won’t be that bad. Just try to relax and have a good time.”

They pulled up to the drive and like magic the gates swung open. Jesse followed the winding cobbled path, pulling up the circular drive in front of what could only be described as a modern-day palace.

“Ho…ly…shit”Ty gulped. “I’ll just be waiting in the car for y’all.”

“If I have to do this so do you,” Jesse said.

A young man dressed in a formal black and white uniform opened the truck door for Faye and she stepped out casually calling over her shoulder, “Jess, just leave your keys in the ignition, they’ll park it for us.”

Faye felt as if she was seeing everything for the first time…as if looking at the scene through the eyes of Jess and Ty. And her cheeks heated in embarrassment.

She sandwiched herself between the two and slipped her hands through their crooked elbows. Taking a deep calming breath, she said, “We’ve got this, guys.” They entered the foyer and Richard, Kyle’s house manager, was there to greet them.

His face lit up with a smile. “Faye, so glad to see you.”

Faye gave Richard a hug then stepped back to introduce her dates.

“Richard Drake this is Tyler Anderson and Jesse Carlisle.”

Richard bowed slightly, “Glad to make your acquaintance.”

“Richard has been with our family forever! He is our family and we’d be lost without him,” Faye said.

“Thank you for saying so,” Richard said. “Follow me. The party is in full swing.”

“Are we the last to get here?” Faye asked.

He raised is eyebrows and smiled, “Yes, that shouldn’t come as any surprise.”

“Hey not fair! I usually beat Griffin. He’s always the last one to arrive,” she said.

“Today he got a head start on you,” Richard said, leading them to the festivities.