You had been.His goat was busy sniffing on either side of Merihem’s chest, the big demon refusing to let him go.You’re fine now, you’ve shifted. We have to get down and sniff around. Our demon is too tall for me to smell anything except him.

I’m not shifting again. I’ll be naked in front of all these people.In fact, Peni made a note to have a chat with Merihem’s shifting habits. He was sure that with all the powers a demon had, Merihem’s demon could wear pants when he shifted. But that was a future issue.

“Sir, I insist. We need to examine the… the… baby goat?”

“He’s not a baby, he’s a full-grown Pygmy goat.” Merihem was still roaring. The crash probably shook up his brain, too.

The goat wiggled and wiggled, and the demon finally bent over and put him down. “Don’t go far. I’ve just got to deal with these idiots thinking they can take you away from me.”

Yes, don’t get too close to any of the people,Peni warned his animal half. Danger lingered like a giant cloud above the scene and while neither Peni nor his goat could sense where it was coming from exactly, the air was thick with the threat of something.

A huge crowd had gathered, but then that would be because of Merihem as well as the mangled taxicab. How many peoplecould claim they saw a naked demon while on their daily commute? But his goat was tip-tapping his way along the verge, sniffing near George, who was still unconscious and being treated by a medical person.

“Scott’s on his way.” Of course, Merihem noticed where they were. “I promise he’ll take care of the driver and see to his every need.” Was he telling Peni or the medic?

I’m so sorry, bear.The goat was sorry, too. It wasn’t George’s fault they were in an accident. Peni knew that. He’d seen the driver of the vehicle that hit them. He hovered near the unconscious shifter, waiting to see what the medical people would do for poor George.

“We’re going to have to give him something quickly before he shifts,” someone said, looking at Peni. “Stand back. Something tiny like you would barely make a snack for a shifter this size.”

How do they know that about George?More questions. No answers yet.

The goat wandered along, making a point of not looking at anyone in particular, but scanning the crowd.

The driver’s not going to be lurking in the crowd.Peni knew that. He would never forget that face. The demon horns, black skin and huge teeth showing from a widely grinning face over the steering wheel would haunt Peni’s nightmares.

The demon will have a human form. He will have come back to gloat. Bad guys always do. We just have to scent him. There are too many people here admiring our demon. They should keep their eyes to themselves.The goat showed his teeth and stamped his foot at a young woman who had her phone up, taking a video of Merihem’s interactions with the paramedics.He’s ours, not yours.

We won’t know what the demon’s human form will look like,Peni protested. The woman jumped back, although Peni noticed she didn’t stop pointing her phone.Merihem and his demon look nothing alike. The demon we saw could be anyone in this crowd. What we need to do is find out why Merihem is here on earth. Maybe he’s not supposed to be here. Maybe the demon who crashed into the taxi was someone sent to take the demon away from us.

They can’t.Peni’s goat stomped his foot again, causing the woman’s partner to move away from them.He’s our mate. Ours.

I know. I know.Peni froze as he saw a man watching them instead of the scene around the crashed taxi.Is that…?

I see him, but that can’t be him.

It is.Peni’s heart started to race.It’s in the eyes. You can see the demon has the same eyes.

Nah.The goat danced across the verge a bit and then back again. The man was watching, and then he licked his lips.He’s just a perve with a thing for farm animals. I mean, I canunderstand it. I’m a prime specimen if there ever was one, but you over there can stop thinking about putting your pencil dick anywhere near my cute fluffy tail.

Stop that!There were times Peni wished someone would make a bleach that he could use on his brain.Our mate’s in danger. Remember him? That man doesn’t want to stick his dick near your behind. He wants to eat us. Look, he’s licking his lips again. He’s imagining your ribs grilled and covered in gravy.

The goat snorted.That man is far too ordinary-looking to be the evil demon. But if you’re sure… we can get a bit closer, maybe…

Maybe we shouldn’t.Peni was suddenly worried his goat would do something dangerous, and likely unhelpful. They needed a plan.Data would need more details. Remember how he works. This is an investigation which means we need to investigate and gather information.

Hopefully, the goat’s fascination with the Android from Star Trek would stop him from doing anything silly.We need to stay with our mate. We can tell him what we saw, but we need details, answers, you know. All those things I wanted before you claimed him.

You want to shift back now?

Definitely not.Peni’s mental shuddering had the goat’s body trembling all over.Look. George is in the ambulance. He’s going to be all right. But that man is working around the crowdsand is getting closer. We have to get Merihem to safety. Quick. Faint.

I am not the type of goat that faints.Indignation ran through their bond.

Move away from the people and closer to our demon,Peni told his goat firmly.Then, bleat as if you’re in distress and faint. Maybe move to the grass verge before you fall over—we’ve had enough bruises today, but I want you to faint.

I will not…

Think about it. Merihem will sweep you up into his manly arms, crush you against his heaving chest, and translocate. Get it? He will translocate us to safety.