“What the… He—”

Peni glanced out the window right at the sound of crunching metal filling the cab, and they spun wickedly fast. Merihem watched as Peni bodily flew into the door, his head ricocheting off the window, which shattered a moment later. His large body, crammed in, hardly moved as he roared, reaching for their blissful one as he slumped down onto the seat unconscious.

What in hell’s name?His demon was doing his own roaring as he couldn’t emerge as the cab twirled like a ballerina, only with a lot more force as it hit other vehicles. Metal scrapping metal screeched as George wrestled with the steering wheel with bear paws.

Merihem, all set to translocate, found the cab flipping through the air and his head smashed against the roof, then there was nothing but blackness.

“Holy cow, did you see that?”

“The car danced across the Freeway like a puppet on a string.”

“Has someone called an ambulance?”

“I did.”

Voices floated towards Merihem as his head pounded and something sticky ran down his forehead.

Shake it off. Is Peni okay?

The absolute stark terror coming from his demon side brought Merihem from the haze of pain from his throbbing temple. His arm, though broken, he still clutched at the slight weight he held. He blinked his fuzzy gaze into focus, noting he’d tucked Peni right into his body and except for the wound to his head, he appeared relatively unscathed.

Upside down, he kicked at the battered and caved-in door. His leg protested, but he could already feel his body healing. He kept Peni hugged to his body and got on his back to shuffle out despite the glass shredding his skin. That was of no concern, Peni was all he could think about.

The smell of fuel met his nose as he lay on his back, heaving while looking up at a sea of faces. “Get back,” he growled, his demon giving him no time, and emerged to an almighty roar.

His naked body adjusted, the injuries disappearing as those around them scattered like ants at seeing an over seven-foot,naked demon. “Peni. Wake up, Peni,” his demon pleaded as they stagger-walked over to a place not scattered with glass and metal to place Peni down on the curb.

I can’t feel him through our link.

Shush, let me focus,his demon side demanded. His hands were running over Peni.He’s unconscious. His brain is a little swollen, but he’s okay.

Crackling noises came from behind, along with heat, and distracted them. Glancing back at the cab, flames flickered from the hood.The bear.

Our blissful one comes first!

Everyone else scattered because of you. We have to help the bear, too.Merihem felt his demon's reluctance, but he got up and ran to the car, ripped off the caved-in door and lifted a bleeding and unconscious George out of the car to carry him effortlessly to where they’d left Peni.There,he snapped, barely stopping short of dropping George to get back to Peni.

Sirens wailed in the distance and Merihem felt his demon gather their magic. There was no way they wanted to have to take their blissful one to a hospital and possibly get separated while they did all sorts of tests that weren’t needed. A glow appeared around Peni, seconds ticked by as he willed his demon to heal their blissful one. He didn’t care if this brought the wrath of their king, nothing was more important than Peni, not even his own hide.

He'd never have believed he’d feel like this, but all he wanted was Peni back in his arms, whole and safe.

Seconds later, he blinked back his tears, while he and his demon gave an undignified sniff when Peni shifted, and their tiny goat bleated madly at them, hopping about merrily.

“There-there, you’re alright.” His demon lifted the goat and cuddled him to his dirty chest. “You’re safe. We got you.”

The ambulance came to a screeching halt, two men jumped out of the front of it, heading in their direction. Then they got a load of his demon and halted.

“He needs help,” they growled. “He’s bashed his head off the windscreen and the door.”

How do you know that?

I didn’t pass out!

Chapter Sixteen


Our demon’s in danger.Peni wasn’t sure where that thought came from, but he’d never dismiss his goat’s instincts. The crash was shocking—Peni had already received one batteringthat day, and now medical personnel in uniforms were yelling at Merihem, saying he’d gotten knocked unconscious.