“It’s fine, I don’t mind black tea.” He took the cup and offered a shy smile.
Merihem did his best not to bristle. It was hard.
“So explain what you mean about Mrs. Danials.” Dakata, as usual got right to the point.
Peni stiffened, and along came the fretting.
We’re gonna be in so much trouble.
Running a gentle, soothing hand up and down Peni’s back, Merihem explained, “Mrs. Danials hasn’t been cleaning your house, Peni has. She swanned off to Florida on vacation and gave Peni a fraction of what she was earning. Your beautifully clean home was all because of Peni. He was living in the basement because he was homeless, and she totally took advantage of his situation.” Once more, he became aggrieved on Peni’s behalf.
“I-I w-will pay it all back,” Peni croaked.
“You’ll do no such—”
“Merihem, let me handle this,” Dakata suggested—or demanded, depending on how a person looked at it. “Peni, can I call you that?”
“Of course,” he muttered.
Silas stroked a hand over Dakata’s casual sweater, smiling at him before handing him a cup. “Have a sip.”
He did as he was told, and Merihem felt the tickle of laughter in his throat when Silas came to him and gave him a cup. “Take a drink, it will help relax you.”
He was relaxed… wasn’t he?
When Dakata gave him a look he was familiar with, ‘do it or else’, he took a sip. He quirked his brow at Dakata without actually saying, ‘happy now’, once he took a gulp of the sweet tea. Which actually wasn’t half bad for a fruit thing.
“So let me sum up. Mrs. Danials took my money, then gave you a small portion of that money and got you to do her work?” At Peni’s nod, Dakata continued on, “Because you had no place to stay, you stayed in my basement with the mice, and she knew this?” Again, another nod.
Dakata swallowed the contents of his cup and rose, slamming it down on the small table close by.
Merihem knew his friend too well, so he tugged Peni closer.
Dakata swung to them and jabbed a finger at Peni. “Pay the money back?” he snarled, and Peni froze like a statue. “Not in this lifetime. Why that convincing bi—”
“Dakata,” Silas murmured gently, causing Dakata to come to a stop. Silas rose and glided barefoot to Dakata, slipping an arm around his waist. “Peni does not need anger from you.”
Merihem had never seen his friend look sheepish, and he blinked twice just to make sure he was seeing correctly.
“It’s okay, you’re angry with me.”
Dakata shook his dark head vehemently. “No, not with you. I gave that woman a pay raise because of how clean the house was over the last several months. That was your money, you earned it. She scammed me. I’ll make sure it’s you who is recompensed.”
“I… oh.” Peni sagged into Merihem’s chest, his hands clutching at Merihem’s.
He couldn’t resist and kissed the side of his forehead. “See, everything is fine. You have nothing to worry about.”
Chapter Fourteen
It was a relief when Silas suggested he take Peni and show him some of the areas of the forest. Dakata and Merihem were talking business, but Peni had been aware of the dryad watching him. Strangely, neither demon made a fuss when Silas said hewas taking Peni for a walk, which was weird, given how Merihem seemed to want to touch him all the time. But Peni was grateful. He seriously needed a minute where he wasn’t touching the demon.
“It’s very peaceful here. One of my favorite spots, next to my tree, of course.” Silas was like a wispy willow, almost gliding across the forest floor.
“I appreciate you showing me.” Peni looked around, taking in a huge breath and letting it out slowly.