He lounged back on the seat, trying to make himself comfortable in the cramped space. A seven-foot dude was not meant to be squished into the back of a small taxicab. His hand touched the window Peni was looking out of.
Peni glanced back at him, the lower lip still between his teeth.
He’s upset. Come on, stop dithering and fix this. I can’t because I’d be worse than a sardine crammed into a can if I came out.
His demon was clearly miffed at both him and the car.It’s not dithering. I’m thinking of the best way to approach this situation.
Before his demon could continue to give him a headache, Merihem stroked a finger over Peni’s shoulder. “I’m picking upthat you’re worried about something. Is it some of the things Mrs. Danials threatened you with, by chance?”
Peni visibly sagged, and Merihem was back to wanting to kick that woman’s ass for upsetting his blissful one. “Could I go to prison?”
At the alarm running through him at such a thought, Merihem picked Peni up, grateful he was small enough not to clout his head on the roof of the cab, before he put him in his lap. The very idea of something like that happening sent his demon into a fit of rage. “What did Mrs. Danials say to make you think that?”
Peni sighed and looked at the seat he’d been sitting on, before looking at Merihem. “Sorry, I… We… I need a hug,” Merihem finished, uncaring George could hear, or if that made him sappy.
“Oh… okay.” Peni came in, his arms open and then he eyed Merihem’s wide shoulders. “Erm… I’m not sure…” he tilted his head this way and that, eyeing him in such a way, Merihem’s heart beat a little faster.
“Yes, I’ve got it now.” He reached up around Merihem’s neck and pressed his cheek to Merihem’s chest. “This work?”
The muffled question and action gave Merihem a swift thump to the center of his being. His demon made a loud sniffing noise as he blinked and wrapped his arms around Peni, careful not to squeeze too hard. “Perfect.”
They sat like that, and Merihem could not remember a time he had been more… content.
“We’re here,” muttered George around the toothpick. “Just give me a call when you’re ready to leave.”
Hating he had to move, Merihem decided the back of the cramped cab actually benefited him like he’d never expected. He huffed and opened the door to lift Peni out, who now wore a curious expression as he glanced about.
Merihem paid George and gave him a nod as he grinned at the wad of cash he’d given him. Out of the cab, they didn’t have to wait but a moment for Dakata to appear with Silas.
“So what disaster has befallen my business now?” Dakata asked, looking wary enough to piss Merihem off from the affront.
“Listen, it’s got nothing to do with your business. But if you wanna talk about you letting things slide. How about we talk about how your housekeeper pulling a fast one on you and using my blissful one as a slave while she suns herself in Florida?”
“What,” Dakata exclaimed loud enough to make Silas wince.
Silas came forward and held out his hand to Peni. “Hi, I’m Silas, lovely to meet you.”
“Peni,” he murmured softly, taking Silas’s hand and shaking it.
Merihem found himself not liking Peni touching anyone but him, despite the reality that Silas was indeed Dakata’s blissful one. He kept his lips tightly shut. “You can let go now,” he said a second later when that wasn’t happening.
Dakata actually had the nerve to laugh at him. “A blissful one looks good on you, my friend.”
“Oh, shut up,” Merihem muttered crossly, carefully tucking Peni into his side, not liking the light in Dakata’s eyes that suggested he was going to mess with him. “Shall we get back to why we’re here?”
“Let’s go up to the house, and I’ll make us some tea.” Silas smiled at them both, slipped his arm through Dakata’s, and led him away.
Merihem followed, ever watchful when it became obvious their size difference wouldn’t allow him to hold Peni at his side and walk. The house was small but well-equipped and Merihem remembered from his visit to the forest how it sat close to Silas’s large oak tree. The branches trailed over the upper part of the structure, connecting them.
Inside they sat, or Merihem did, and placed Peni on his lap when the couch wasn’t big enough for them both to squeeze on.
Oh, now please behave because I want none of your nonsense.
What nonsense? I don’t know what you’re talking about.
Merihem worked very hard to keep his amusement to himself at Peni and his goat’s conversation. He was pleased that Peni wasn’t upset to be sitting on his lap. That was a real win.
“I think we are going to need a bigger couch if we keep getting visitors.” Silas eyed where Peni sat, offering his blissful one a cup. “I don’t have milk, but I do have fresh honey to sweeten the tea if you like.”