Page 62 of Crave Me


I wanted to invite you all to Barrel House for New Year’s Eve. I officially have the go-ahead from the owners to create my own menu and I thought you all would be good guinea pigs.


You can bring a guest obviously, but I’d love to have you


They’ll be there, baby, don’t worry

My excitement is short-lived when I realize I can’t bring Blaire as my date since she wants to keep us a secret. I’ll have to figure out a way for her to get an invite from one of them. Ivy seems to really like her, so it’s not far-fetched that she would extend an invitation.


Who’s all going to be there?


Outside of Sawyer and I? You all, the Haven sisters and maybe Levi and Blaire who might bring Cole but I haven’t asked her yet.

One problem averted only to stumble into a new one. Like fuck she’ll be bringing Cole. She isn’t seeing that dumb fucker again and she had better make that damn clear to him and everyone else. My blood pressure starts to rise at the thought of my beautiful girl bringing Cole with her. I’ll break his hands, finger by finger if he ever tries to touch her again. Blaire may not understand the relationship, or lack thereof, between Cole and me, but even without that knowledge, she dodged a bullet. He’s a goddamn twat.

My phone chimes again, but this time Blaire’s name pops up, and just like that, my mood is settled. Her text comes right after a photo of her coffee and pastry sitting on top of the white pastry bag.


Was this you?


And if it was?


I’d say thank you.


No need, princess. I hope you have a good day.

The next text is a photo of her smiling while holding the coffee cup. I bite my lip hard to stifle the groan that wants to release. This woman. She has no idea what she does to me. My cock hardens behind my zipper, pressing painfully against the fabric. I’m half tempted to fuck her senseless bent over her desk,but I control my urges and continue to check my emails. One in particular stands out to me.

Wes Draven info you requested

A little late, asshole. I open his email to a link to download the file he put together on Blaire. Downloading the info, I save the file to my desktop. I don’t have plans to open it, there’s no need to breach her trust and privacy, right now at least. But if there’s a rainy day and I need to in order to protect her, I won’t hesitate, and I’ll deal with the repercussions later. There isn’t anything I won’t do to keep what’s mine safe. And she is.


Barrel House is located in the cellar of an old brick building on Main Street. It’s the only fine dining restaurant in Aspen Ridge and is open for lunch and dinner service. Ivy was hired there shortly after she returned to AR and is the head chef. Gotta give props where props are due, the girl can cook and create in the kitchen. The entrance is on the side of the building, down a set of stone steps that lead to a heavy steel door. Its speakeasy vibe is elegant while also being edgy. With exposed brick walls, hanging lighting, and emerald-green tufted booths, it fits with the Pacific Northwest vibe. The bar and tabletops are dark cedar wood with a matching green epoxy river through the center, similar to the one Blaire had installed in the distillery. By the time I walk in, everyone is already here. My eyes immediately spot Blaire, dressed in a pair of tight denim jeans that fit her curvy body likea glove, black boots that come to her ankles, and a leather jacket. My mouth salivates as I take her in. Her fiery red hair is down, framing wildly around her face. She’s standing at the bar, her head thrown back in a laugh. Ivy touches her arm, laughing just as hard. My heart warms, satisfied and happy that she’s finding her home here.

Kinsey and the Haven sisters are sitting on stools next to them—Hannah, Harlow, and Hailey. I wish I was joking. Their parents really did a number on those girls. The women all seem to be getting along, so I walk up to them to find out where my brothers are hiding. Blaire’s eyes light up momentarily as she sees me approaching and it makes me feel damn good.

I lean in and give my sister a quick half-hug.

“Hey ladies, how are you tonight?” I don’t miss the way that Hannah’s sister, Harlow, checks me out, and apparently Blaire doesn’t either. Her face morphs into one of jealousy and annoyance.

“Hey, Dallas. Haven’t seen you since before Christmas. How are you?” Harlow asks.