“We weren’t serious-serious, but I thought it worked well enough, I guess. In hindsight, I think I was just swept up in all of it and trying to force myself to keep moving forward with my life. Well, a few weeks ago, I came home early and found him fucking someone else.”
I shoot to my feet and drag my hand through my hair. What kind of piece of shit was she seeing? Who the fuck would cheat on her? How could anyone hurt this woman?
“It gets worse, unfortunately . . .”
“Holy shit, Ivy. I don’t even know what to say right now,” I tell her truthfully.
“I went back the next day to pack my stuff, and not only did he try to force himself on me but—”
“What? Tell me he didn’t . . .” I fall to my knees in front of her at the edge of the bed, my shaky hands pushing her legs down and sliding tightly around her waist, pulling her to me, terrified of her answer.
“I fought him off, Sawyer. I’m tougher than I look. It was terrifying, but he’ll be lucky if he can procreate someday.”
“That’s my girl,” I say, relieved that she wasn’t assaulted, but I make a mental note to look further into this Brooks guy. Piece of shit was lucky to breathe the same air as her. I stay crouched on the floor beside the bed, my hands on her waist, looking up at her while she continues.
“He was pissed and must have called his parents right after he recovered because his mom sent me a text terminating my employment becauseIcheated onhim,which forced him to end his relationship with me. He made himself out to be the victim and sullied my name and my reputation. I’ve worked so fucking hard, Sawyer. And I’ve been all alone while I do it. I have my best friend, Zoe, but he ruined everything I worked so hard for. And I just let him. It was like all my mom’s words came rushing back over me. Men would always disappoint me, and I should never wrap my life up in one so tightly that they could destroy it. And look at me now. I’m not even upset that he cheated, or that it’s over! I’m just disappointed in myself.” Her eyes fill with tears again and they start to trickle down her face.
“I’ve been staying at Zoe’s and applying everywhere I can, but I just haven’t been lucky. So I thought if I snuck back here and fixed up my parents’ house I could sell it, and I would be in a much better position financially than I currently am.”
“Butterfly . . .”
Her eyes flutter closed at the term of endearment.
“He’s pretty scorned for whatever the reason. He’s been calling and texting me from different numbers constantly. I’ve ignored every attempt, but it’s still unnerving that he won’t just let me go. It definitely aided in my decision to come back here. He’s gotten very possessive of me. So here I am.”
“Are you worried about him hurting you? Or coming after you?” I have to ask. I need to know what she’s facing here with this douche. I plan to find out everything I can and pay him a little visit.
“I don’t know. He scared me. I thought I knew him well enough. I definitely didn’t expect any of this. But I can’t say that it doesn’t make me nervous. Especially after his behavior when I picked up my things, and then another time at a coffee shop.”
“What happened at a coffee shop?” The fear is holding me in a vise grip and won’t let up.
“That was kinda the last straw. He came up behind me and told me not to make a scene, then tried to force me to leave with him. I let myself fall into the customer ahead of me and thankfully she picked up on the situation and helped to get me out of it. But she asked me if I had anywhere safe to go, and the first place I thought of was . . . here.”
Good girl.
“Let me know next time he reaches out, okay? You don’t have to face things alone anymore. I’m not going to let anyone hurt you, Ivy,” I promise.
Her shoulders shrug like she doesn’t quite know what to make of that. She’s been on her own for so long that it’s hardened her.I wonder how much contact she had with her mother after she left, or if that relationship was abandoned along with the rest of them.
“Thanks, Sawyer. I’ll probably just report him to the police if he doesn’t stop soon. I need to focus on selling that house. I was going to try to fly under the radar. Probably out of the question now, huh?”
“You didn’t think people would find out you are here?” I’m a little shocked by this. She grew up in AR and knows what a close-knit small town it is. Even if people don’t know our story, everyone knows me and my family. Word would have gotten back to one of us.
“I was honestly going to try to keep it that way. I practically begged Reid to keep it a secret. I had no idea who he was. Pretty shocked to find out the first person I run into here is your best friend.”
“Ivy, I would have found out eventually. You know that.”
“Yeah.” She closes her eyes and lets her head fall back against the headboard in a sigh.
“So, what now? You’re just going to fix up the place, sell it, and then go back to wherever you came from? I don’t even know where that is.”
I freeze, letting the word hit me like a blow to the face. I stand and pace in front of the bed. I can’t believe she’s been this close the entire time and I had no idea.
“Seattle? Fucking hell, Iv. You’ve been a few hours away all these years?”
“I didn’t want to face you, Sawyer. I mean, I did at first, but then so much time had passed I didn’t know what to fucking say anymore. Hey, remember me? The girl who left without an explanation? Yeah, no. That wouldn’t have gone over well.”