She decided on a warm nicely burnished caramel cotton dress since the nights were cool, then put on her ankle boots. She brushed out her hair and pulled it into a high ponytail, then added a long necklace and earrings.

She answered the knock at her bedroom door to find Honor standing there.

“You haven’t had sex with him yet?”

She rolled her eyes. “Brenna told you that?”

Honor walked in and sat on the bed. “Of course she did. You know we don’t keep things to ourselves. Well, at least Brenna doesn’t. Erin doesn’t, either. I’m a vault, though, so spill.”

“Nothing to spill, obviously, since there’s been no sex.”

“How come? Knowing your propensity for loving and leaving, I’d have thought you’d have tried out the goods on the first day.”

She shrugged. “I don’t know. Because he’s not someone I can have sex with and then dump. He’s going to be here a while, you know?”

“You’ve been thinking about this,” Honor said, cocking her head to the side. “Debating the pros and cons.”

“I very rarely debate sex. I’m either in or out.” She thought about it for a few seconds, then said, “But, yeah. This one? I’ve been debating.”

“So he’s different from all the other guys.”

She shrugged. “There haven’t been that many guys.”

Honor shot her a look. “Honey. Since Isaac, you’ve gone through so many men we’ve all lost count.”

“I wasn’t aware you were all counting. And I don’t have sex with every guy I go out with.”

“Just a figure of speech. Of course we weren’t counting. But seriously, there’ve been a lot. Which just means you’ve been having fun. Nothing serious, right? That’s your motto.”

“Yes, it is.”

“And who cares how many men you have sex with? That’s your business. As far as Kane?” She blew out a breath. “So hot. Definitely add him to the who’s-counting list. Or no-one’s-counting. Whatever you call it. Won’t that be fun?”

She wasn’t certain. “Absolutely. I’ll get right on that.”

Honor pursed her lips, giving her a thoughtful look. “Now you’re mad. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to imply anything. I was actually kind of jealous you were having so much fun. You’re so free and open to possibilities in ways I never could have been. I don’t want you to lose who you are. Not for any man ever again.”

Tears filled her eyes. “Thank you, Honor.”

Honor, her eyes teary as well, stood. “Well. I hadn’t expected this conversation to turn emotional. So I’m going to leave and you’re going to go have some fun tonight, got it?”

Shaking off the emotion, Mae nodded. “Got it.”

After Honor left the room, Mae stared at her reflection in the mirror.

She looked good. Damn good. Except for one thing.

She took her hair out of the ponytail, brushed it out until it was flowing and glossy, then looked again.

Yes. Much better. Before, she looked cute. Now, though? Hot. Definitely hot. And she was in the mood for hot.

Now she was ready for tonight.



Kane stood atMae’s front door—or the Bellinis’ front door—suddenly nervous to ring the bell.