They’d had a good time at Brenna and Finn’s housewarming the other night, but then she’d driven him to his trailer and he’d said good night and walked away with a smile and a wave.
No kiss. No…nothing. After all his teasing banter and the kiss in the driveway? She’d kind of expected something more. She wanted more, even though she knew she shouldn’t. Then again, Kane was exactly the type of man she wanted todate. He’d film here and then he’d leave, with zero expectations of a relationship.
If she was looking for a perfect man—at least a perfect man for her—Kane was it.
Her phone buzzed, drawing her away from the window. She was surprised to see a text message from Kane.
Filming till about six but free after that. Dinner tonight?
Annoyed by the flutter in her stomach, she thought about saying no, then wondered why. She wanted to see him.
Before she could overthink this any further, she texted him back.
Dinner sounds great.
She spent the rest of the day trying to concentrate on work, but all she could focus on was her date—no, it was just dinner—with Kane.
After staring at her paperwork for fifteen minutes, reading the same wedding couple’s menu over and over again, she decided to step out of her office and go for a walk to clear her head.
It was a sunny, cool afternoon, a breeze slipping through the strands of her hair. She breathed in the freshness of the air, observed the changing foliage from green to beautiful golden colors.
She walked the property, thinking about absolutely nothing, which, it turned out, was exactly what she needed.
Until she ran into Brenna, who was out in the vineyards.
“Taking a late afternoon stroll?” she asked.
“Yeah. Clearing my head.”
Brenna stepped out from the vines and swiped her hands together. “Stuck in dreamland over Kane August?”
“No. Just a full schedule of to-do’s today. This has nothing to do with Kane.” She pivoted and walked away, knowing Brenna would follow, which she did.
“You realize I don’t believe you.”
Mae started to object, then shrugged. “So I was thinking about Kane. He’s hot. Who wouldn’t? And before you ask any more invasive questions, we’re having dinner together tonight.”
Brenna looked over at her, brows raised so high they practically disappeared into her hair. “He asked you to dinner? And I heard about the hot makeout sesh in my driveway.”
“Dammit, Erin,” she whispered.
“So this means things are getting serious.”
“Things are absolutely not serious. There is nothing between us. We haven’t even—”
Brenna stopped, turned to face her. “Ohhh. You two haven’t done it yet, huh? What the hell are you waiting for, Mae? He’s hot, he’s available and he obviously wants you.”
She stared at Brenna, her mind racing with thoughts. So. Many. Thoughts. “Yeah, that’s under consideration.”
Brenna shook her head and started to wander off. “Girl, get on that man ASAP, ’kay?”
Mae laughed as she made her way back to the house. She looked at her phone, realizing it was time to get ready for her date with Kane.
And now all she could think about was expectations. Which was kind of unexpected because she was always so laid back about dating. Ever since Isaac, she’d taken dating as fun and frivolous. Catch and release was her motto. And Kane was the perfect man for that.
So why was she suddenly so damn nervous? She neededto get her shit together, because if nothing else, she’d get a nice dinner.
As far as expectations, she had none. She reminded herself of that as she picked out what she was going to wear.