“Hmm. So, about promoting me to producer. Can we do that sooner than later and get a new assistant to run interference for you?”

“But you’re doing such a great job at it.”

Lizzie emerged from the hotel. “Have either of you seen Billy?”

Until that moment, Mark had never seen anyone smile and groan at the same time.

Teddy had barely entered MarkWeldon’s suite when the room’s phone began ringing.

“Hello?” he answered.

“If you could come to suite ten twenty-one when you have a moment, I would appreciate it,” Lance said, then the line went dead.

Teddy had half a mind to ignore the summons.

Last night, as soon as he, Vesna, and Kevin had made it back to the safe house, he’d called Lance but had been put straight through to voicemail.

He’d then called Rick La Rose, who told him that he didn’t know why Lance was unreachable.

Now Teddy knew the answer.

Lance opened the door when Teddy knocked.

“Ah, good, you’re here. Come in, come in.”

As Teddy entered the suite, he saw Stone Barrington standing near the windows.

“Morning, Stone,” Teddy said. “Playing messenger again?”

“More like deliveryman this time,” Stone said. “Lance found out I was flying here for the festival and finagled a ride.”

“Something to eat?” Lance asked, motioning to the dining table where a platter of pastries sat next to a bowl of fruit.

“I’m good,” Teddy said.

“Then why don’t we all have a seat.” After they did so, Lance said, “Apologies for not responding to your message sooner. I take it you have news.”

“I know who hired Braun.”

Lance leaned forward. “Youknowor you think you know?”

“I know.”

“That’s excellent news,” Stone said. “Who is it?”

“No one.”

“I’m not following,” Lance said.

On his phone, Teddy brought up the picture he’d taken of the photograph in Braun’s office and handed it to Lance. The photo was at least twenty-five years old and showed a middle-aged man in a business suit standing next to a beaming boy who couldn’t have been more than ten.

“Is that…?”

“Tovar Lintz, head of the Trust? Yes, it is.”

“And the boy?”

“Felix Braun. Tovar Lintz’s son.”