Lance lowered the phone. “There was no mention of Lintz having a son in his file.”

“Braun was illegitimate, and Lintz never publicly acknowledged him. Braun’s mother was Lintz’s mistress for only a short time. My guess is that their relationship ended when she became pregnant.”

“You’re positive?”

“Confirmed by three sources.” The last of which had reported in just before Teddy had arrived at the hotel, but he saw no need to mention that.

“That should have been in his records.”

“That sounds more like ayouproblem than ameproblem.”

“So, Braun has been killing Golden Hour agents as revenge for his father’s death?” Stone asked.

Teddy nodded. “He has.” He briefed them on all that had happened since Danielle Verde had been shot in Budapest, including that Braun’s associate guessed that Billy Barnett was Teddy.

“The idea to leak that you were still alive seems to have worked a little too well,” Stone said.

“Theythinkthey know who Billy is,” Lance said. “They don’t know for sure.”

“What they think is also the truth.”

Lance shrugged. “Details.”

“That’s a pretty big detail,” Stone said, then looked at Teddy. “Aren’t you concerned?”

“I won’t be walking around as Billy Barnett until Lance has cleaned everything up, if that’s what you’re asking,” Teddy replied. He stood. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, gentlemen.”

“Where are you going?” Lance asked.

“To fulfill my obligations to Centurion Pictures. We have a full schedule today.”

“But the mission isn’t done.”

Teddy shrugged. “Mymission was to find out who was behind the Golden Hour deaths. Answer: Felix Braun. You’re welcome. I also uncovered a plot to kill the president of the United States and the director of the CIA. You’re welcome again. As way of thanks, you can remove Braun and his people from circulation as soon as possible. Now, if there isn’t anything else, I can see myself out.”

“There is,” Lance said.

“And that would be?”

“I believe you are in the best position to neutralize Braun.”

“And I believe you have plenty of Agency resources who can handle it.”

“Be that as it may, for my people to plan and execute such a mission from scratch will take days at least, if not a week or more. You, on the other hand, already have a handle on the players. Plus, Billy Barnett’s presence also provides us with the perfect time-sensitive opportunity.”

“And that is?”

“The premiere ofStorm’s Eyeand the opening gala that will follow. You said it yourself. Braun wants to be there.”

“With an eye on killing Billy Barnett,” Stone said.

“At the risk of repeating myself, the perfect opportunity,” Lance replied. “All Teddy will have to do is turn the tables on him.” He looked at Teddy. “Well? What do you say?”

Teddy knew what he wanted to say, but the responsibility he felt toward his fellow Golden Hour agents both dead and alive prevented him from doing so.

He grimaced and stood. “Looks like I have some planning to do.”