Page 13 of Say Yes

After a tense dinner, I sit down to read for a little while, hoping Colton will park it next to me on the couch and let me curl up into his side. But, he disappears as soon as we finish cleaning the kitchen. Twenty minutes later, I’ve read the same three pages over and over while intermittently staring off into space. I decide I’m drained and just want to go to bed.

The door to our bedroom is ajar but I don’t see a light, so I enter quietly in case Colton is already asleep. I’m only a few steps in when the door to the master bath swings open and Colton fills the space, blocking most of the light.

“I was just coming to get you,” he says softly.

“You didn’t seem like you wanted to be around me,” I answer stiffly.

For such a big man, he moves silently across the room until he’s standing directly in front of me. He leans down to kiss me tenderly. “Never,” he adds. “I will always want you around me.”

I melt a little, but I’m still a little hurt that he left me on my own instead of staying to comfort me after the day we’ve had.

He slips my hand into his own and leads me to the bathroom, pushing the door open wide. My jaw drops and tears fill my eyes when I see what he’s done for me.

The room is filled with the soft glow of candles, relaxing music floats out of a small clock radio, and the big soaker tub is steaming with hot water. There are two fluffy towels perched on a small table beside the tub, along with a glass of wine and . . . a beer. I bark out a laugh and spin around.

“What?” he asks, his tone a little defensive. “I’ve got to do something to keep my balls from shriveling up into a vagina.”

I pat his chest lovingly. “You’re all man, baby,”

“Damn straight.”

We get ourselves settled in the hot, scented water, me sitting between his spread legs, my back against his chest, and relax. After a while, Colton takes a big breath and I tilt my head up to look at him. “What’s on your mind?”

“I don’t like being forced to sit around and wait. I’m a man of action and until this asshole is caught, I won’t get a minute of peace.”

“Okay, what do you want to do about it?” I’m getting a kink in my neck, so I turn around and straddle him.

“I have an idea.” He thinks for a second, and I wait while he works it all out in his mind. “Is Grant working tomorrow?” I nod. “When you go in, I want you to tell everyone about the break in, but don’t mention anything about the stalker. In fact, do your best to make it seem like it never crossed your mind that it could be him.”

“Ego,” I guess, and he nods with a warm smile. Getting warmer by the minute the longer I sit naked on his lap.

“You’ll piss him off and wound him at the same time, making him feel slighted that you don’t deem him capable, and hurt that you didn’t recognize the love in his gesture, covering the mess he made in rose petals as an apology. He’ll want to return and make a bigger splash, make sure he has your attention.”

“I can do that,” I agree and watch him suspiciously when I ask, “And what is your part in all of this?”

“Besides beating the ever-loving shit out the bastard who is stalking and scaring my woman?” He gives me a half smile but that’s what bothers me. I know he’s only half joking.

I twist one of his nipples and he jerks away. “Fucking hell, woman!” He rubs the tender area gingerly. “I won’t do anything to the asshole. We’ll give the cops a heads up. They are supposedly keeping patrol cars in the area and doing drive-bys the for the next few days.”

“Honesty?” I ask.

He glares at me, and I flush a little because it wasn’t too long ago when it came out that I’d been keeping something from him. But, I keep my steady gaze on him until he nods. “I promise.”

The water has cooled, so Colton gets out and lifts me out as well. He dries us both off, picks me up, and puts me in bed before climbing in beside me. I immediately turn into him but instead of tucking me into his side, he flips me onto my stomach and plunges a finger into my pussy.

He works it for a few seconds, and that’s all it takes for me to become slick with want. Because when it comes to him, I’m so fucking easy.

Pressing on my back, he guides me down until my face and chest are flat on the bed, with my ass high in the air. Without warning, he slams into me and then freezes. He does this a lot, stopping the moment he is buried inside me to savor.

It doesn’t last long, and he begins to move. He fucks me hard until I almost black out from my orgasm. But after, he gently turns me over and makes sweet, tender love to me. Caressing and kissing as much of me as he can, all the while whispering how much he loves me.

It’s easier than I thought it would be to spread around my little story, leaving out any mention of my stalker because I’d rather not talk about him anyway. I’m not only creeped out now, but I’m also still smarting over the fact that I didn’t see the drastic action coming.

Grant becomes withdrawn throughout the morning, and I’m getting a little irritated about it. So, I’m glad when my lunch date arrives, and I avoid giving the doofus a piece of my mind. I make a couple of sandwiches and walk out to the front of the store to see both Vince and Colton waiting for me at a table.

“Hi,” I smile at Colton as I reach the table and set the plates down. “I didn’t know you were coming by today.”

“You mentioned you were having lunch with Vince, and I wanted to stop by and apologize. Besides, I missed you.” I beam at him, and he pulls me down into his lap, kissing me silly. When he finally pulls back, I scowl at him, “That was rude.” I chance a look at Vince, and sure enough, he looks thoroughly uncomfortable. I have a sneaking suspicion that Colton is actually here all but pee around me and mark his territory.