“I’m sorry, honey,” he murmurs, nibbling on my ear, eliciting a shiver that skitters down my spine. He pulls me back to lean against his chest and put the flat of one palm over my belly, rubbing slow circles. “How are you feeling today? Better?”
If I didn’t know better, I’d think Colton knows that I’m pregnant, Except, I only found out after taking the test this morning when I had a break from the crowds. Maybe he’s referring to how upset I was last night. Then it hits me, he’s probably worried about how rough he was the first time we made love.
“I’m better than ever, lover,” I tell him in a hushed tone for his ears only. “Because every time with you is better than the last.”
I grin when I feel him shift, growing hard under my ass. Then Vince clears his throat, and I flush with embarrassment. I completely forgot he was even here. I’m such a shitty friend. It takes a little maneuvering and a kick in the shin for me to extricate myself from Colton and take the seat between the men. I offer my sandwich to Colton, since I’d only made two. I can whip something up after they’ve eaten and gone. But, he shakes his head and pushes the plate back in my direction.
“You shouldn’t be skipping meals. If anything, you should eat this now and then still have that snack later.”
I look at him quizzically, but he just smiles and pushes the sandwich even closer to me. Maybe he does know. But, how?
I am ravenous, so I shrug and dig into my sandwich. Colton and Vince make small talk while I inhale my sandwich and when I’m done, they both look at me in surprise. “I was hungrier than I thought,” I snip. Vince continues to look at me curiously, but Colton winks and then asks me if I’ve told Vince about the break in.
I fill him in as he finishes his sandwich and almost tell him everything until I feel Colton’s reminder by way of a solid pinch on my ass, causing me to jerk and let out a little yelp. Vince’s head whips in my direction, becoming confused when it appears as though nothing is wrong. Colton on the other hand, he’s doubled over with laughter. Jackass.
He calms down and stands, still grinning when he lifts me to my feet and kisses me goodbye. With one last caress of my stomach, he takes off. I scratch my head in confusion. How the hell does he know?
Vince has become quiet throughout the visit, and I feel instantly terrible because it’s hard to be seen when someone like Colton is around. He’s magnetic and so full of life, it’s impossible not to get lost in him. I try to draw Vince out and into conversation, but he clams up and only responds with one word answers.
I grateful when it’s time to get back to work. I have to cover for each employee as they take their lunch shift. I hug Vince goodbye, but his embrace is loose, barely returning the gesture.
After he leaves, I watch him drive away with a wave of sadness. It’s time for us to go on without each other, so this is probably best. But, it still hurts to know I’ve lost a friend.